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 | Anna carried in all the pizzas, wings, knots, and salads as she was told where to take them, she then sat them all on the table as she was setting them up like she had been asked, it was more than she usually did but she didnt' mind as she knew the people here, and knew how busy they all were, and this was her last order for the night.. she stepped back looking a bit.. Anna: There that about does it.. She then went looking around a bit to find who ever was suppose to pay the bill or even away out seeing as she really had no idea where anything was in the place | |  | |
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| | | Warning: The following roleplay may contain Wild Sex, Crude Language, or ther things that might make your sensitive eyes bleed. If you are too young or too old to handle it, back away now. If you continue to read on and get offended, it's your fault. You were warned and didnt listen. | | | OOC: Insert Here | Jordan leaned against the wall and looked at Anna. Jordan: I was hoping you would deliver it yourself. | This layout was made for Jordan Granger by TigerLily. | |
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 | Anna looked at him as she smiled softly Anna: Well it was a request so, I had to come.. She said as she looked at him smiling softly.. | |  | |
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| | | Warning: The following roleplay may contain Wild Sex, Crude Language, or ther things that might make your sensitive eyes bleed. If you are too young or too old to handle it, back away now. If you continue to read on and get offended, it's your fault. You were warned and didnt listen. | | | OOC: Insert Here | He moved toward her and smiled. Jordan: Maybe the person who made the order was hoping to see the prettiest of the Sweet sisters. | This layout was made for Jordan Granger by TigerLily. | |
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 | She looked at him as she smirked a bit, she watched him walk closer to her as she stayed there letting him as she looked at him smiling.. Anna: Oh is that so, and why would he want to see me for, is there something on his mind? | |  | |
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| | | Warning: The following roleplay may contain Wild Sex, Crude Language, or ther things that might make your sensitive eyes bleed. If you are too young or too old to handle it, back away now. If you continue to read on and get offended, it's your fault. You were warned and didnt listen. | | | OOC: Insert Here | He stopped infront of her and took the pizza from her hands setting it aside. He slid his arms around her waist. Jordan: Maybe he's been working so hard here that he's been missing his wife. | This layout was made for Jordan Granger by TigerLily. | |
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 | Anna leaned against him as seh smiled softly Anna: Well thats a good reason then.. She said as she pulled his head down and kissed him deeply. | |  | |
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| | | Warning: The following roleplay may contain Wild Sex, Crude Language, or ther things that might make your sensitive eyes bleed. If you are too young or too old to handle it, back away now. If you continue to read on and get offended, it's your fault. You were warned and didnt listen. | | | OOC: Insert Here | Jordan held her close as he kissed her deeply. He had been missing her terribly, but knew that what he was doing was important. He knew something wasn't right in this place but he hadn't been able to figure it out yet. Jordan: I've missed you so much, baby. | This layout was made for Jordan Granger by TigerLily. | |
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 | She looked at him as she kissed him again happy to see him anytime at all she could get with him... Anna: I've missed you like crazy baby, | |  | |
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| | | Warning: The following roleplay may contain Wild Sex, Crude Language, or ther things that might make your sensitive eyes bleed. If you are too young or too old to handle it, back away now. If you continue to read on and get offended, it's your fault. You were warned and didnt listen. | | | OOC: Insert Here | He held her close to him and smiled. Jordan: I don't want to let you leave. I want you to stay here with me. | This layout was made for Jordan Granger by TigerLily. | |
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 | Anna looked at him as she smiled softly thinking about it.. Anna: Why dont' i.. Sophia and I can just change places... I'm sure I can handle working on costumes for a bit, and she has been wanting to take some time at the pizza shop.. She smiled as she looked at him | |  | |
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