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| ..::THE.ATTITUDE::.. | Bad Bobby Badstreet, Multi Billion Dollar Playboy, Business Mogul, Ex-Professional Wrestler,Father. Bob had done alot in his years. He accomplished alot as well. He had definately had his share of women in his life, but never really got into the whole adult entertainment aspect of life. He had heard about it, watched a bit on occasion, but was never really up on the hottest actresses or anything. I mean he knew enough to know the favorites of his friends, but he never saw himself involved in any aspect of the business. In fact, he had disowned his sister Skylar for a time for her role in the industry. Now two of his brothers were embarking on a business venture with the studios.He himself was there to have lunch with his sister who had promptly stood him up. So he found himself in the cafeteria, waiting for one, any of his siblings to wander along. So he decides to have a bite to eat as he gets his food and sits down with his tray in front of him. Bobby Badstreet Skylar, Skylar, Skylar, Where are you? He shrugs his shoulders and begins to partake in the surpriseingly tasteful food. | ..::THE.WARNING::.. | +Disclaimer+ This is an official Bob Badstreet Roleplay, created by trashedCREATIONS. Keep your paws off of it, unless you can't help yourself and you have to have one, request HERE | | | | | |
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 | Sarah walks into the cafitera area as she was in need of some nurishment, as she went walking by she stopped dead in her tracks as she looked there seeing someone she had never thoguht to see in a porn studio but smirked a bit as she looked at him. {Sarah Boston} Bob Badstreet, stop my heart, if it isnt' the Bad Boy himself.. She teased as she looked at him as he looked up seeing Sarah standing there as she walked over a bit sititing down infront of him as she waited to see what he was going to say. | |  | |
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| As Sarah walked over to the table, Bob looked at her totally shocked seeing her there. He stands up as all gentleman do when a woman approaches the table.She sat and then he did as well Bobby Badstreet Sarah Boston, of all the people I could possibly meet here, I never expected to meet you! How are you luv? He looked at her thinking that she get more beautiful every time he sees her . | | 
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 | She sat down as she looked at him smiling soflty, she could see how shocked he was to see her as she just shook her head laughing a bit, as she then smiled looking at him. ||Sarah Boston|| I told you that I use to be into adult films remember? She looked at him as he nodded his head. ||Sarah Boston|| I'm here for a reniuon part later on tonight. She said smiling soflty as she looked at him. She had gotten there early so she could look around and talk to her old friends. ||Sarah Boston|| Hey if you're not busy, why don't you accompany me to the party, you can meet some of my friends. She said as she smirked a bit looking at him. | |  | |
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| Bobby Badstreet I guess I had forgotten about you being a retired porn star. Although personal experience dhould have kept me reminded. He smirked as he thought about their past together. Bobby Badstreet I would be honord to accompany you to the party later on and I would love to meet some of your friends.! He smiled warmly at her . | | 
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 | Sarah looked at him as she smiled happy that he was going to join her tonight as she sat there looking at hm. ||Sarah Boston|| Good I'm glad, I thoguht i was going to have to twist your arm to get you to do something non work and that was fun. She teased as she looked at him, but she knew how he was, as she had accepted that before and was always able to work around that as she smiled softly looking at him. | |  | |
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| Bob smirked at her as she obviously wasnt updated on him much. And why should she be? They hadnt seen eachother in quite awhile. Bobby Badstreet I'm disappointed Sarah! Sarah Boston Oh in what way? Bobby Badstreet I thought you kept better tabs on your friends. Sarah shrugs her shoulders. Bobby Badstreet For if you did, you wopuld know that I retired! She looks at him, her mouth open slightly. Bobby Badstreet Turned over BEII to Tiffany and Austin. I decided I deserved retirement, but now I'm finding myself very, very bored! He smirked at her . | | 
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 | Sarah looks at Bobby as she gives him a frown face as if she was feeling bad for him as she was sitting there listening to him talk, she thought about what he said before she then started to talk. {Sarah Boston} Awww I'm sorry bobby, baby, well now that you're here, why don't you stick around and play for awhile, I've been rather lonely here myself.. She said as she thoguht about it, there hadn't been all that much to do around here for her lately so she was liking that he was here. | |  | |
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| He looked at her and smirked Bobby Badstreet Well I didnt get the nickname # 1 Bad Boy from sitting idley by and watching other people play. I recon I'll be here for awhile. (Till February anyways) Sarah smiled at this news. Bobby Badstreet Hey how could i refuse an invitation from someone as beautiful as you ? He gave her a seductive glance and a charming smile | | 
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 | Sarah grinned as she looked Bob as she was happy that he would be sticking around for awhile as she was rather bored, so at least now she would have someone to hang out with a bit. {Sarah Boston} Thats very good to here, I know you'll have fun here... Even though things are a bit dead around here, you'll at least have me. She said teasing as she looked at him. | |  | |
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| He smiled at her. Bobby Badstreet Well miss boston, it would seem that that means your stuck with my company as well. she looks at him Bobby Badstreet Although i couldnt ask for a more beautiful companion then you! He gives her a warm smile. | | 
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 | She looked at him as she was smiling softly. {Sarah Boston} Well I need to go and get ready for tonight, My dressing room is the last one down the hall why dont' you meet me there in an hour. She said smiling softly as she looked at him as she was waiting to see what he was going to say. | |  | |
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| Bob nodded his head but wondered what he was going to do in the mean time. Bobby Badstreet Alright Sarah. So I'll see you in an hour. They exchange smiles and then hug and then Sarah is off to get ready as he watches hr leave as Bob finishes his food and exits the cafeteria .He walks through the backstage ara looking around and speaking to the different people as he ses them. Keeping a close eye on his watch as he doesnt want to be late meeting Sarah. | | 
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 | After the time has passed you once agian see Sarah and Bob walking togther as she smiled looking at him, happy that he was here with her, as she liked having him around. {Sarah Boston} Thank you for coming to this with me, I'm glad that you are here, She smiled looking at her friend. | |  | |
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