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//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | | A giant silver stretch Limo rolls onto the lot. A few heads turn to see who is arriveing. The cheuffer gets out and opens the door. Two gentlemen step out of the vehicle, dressed in Armani suits. One in Blue, one in Grey pinstripe. Both wearing italian leather shoes and both sproting Rolex watches. At first glance, you'd think that they must be the owners of the place, or at the very least Upscale Porn Actors. Their devilish good looks and obvious self confidence makes them stand out in a crowd. They both look like a million bucks , but both are worth Billions. They are two members of the Badstreet clan. Th taller one is michael Badstreet. The shorter one was Swayer. They were two of the younger brothers to the Legendary Wrestler Bad Bob Badstreet. What could they be doing here? What intrest could a porn studio have for the Badstreets? Well we are about to find out, as they make teir way to the offices of the owner. A few minutes later they ar standing in the offices, waiting to be acknoledged. After several minutes of being ignored, michael steps up to the secretary and clears his throat. Secretary May I help you ? Michael Badstreet We are here to se Stephen. We have an appointment with him at 1. She looks at the clock wich reads 12: 45. Secretary Pomptness. They like that here. Erm.. did you say Stephen? Michael Badstreet That right, we have an appointment with him. Michael and Sawyer stand looking at her as her eyes have grown wide. | | Candy Kisses Made as a freebie.. This layout is free for anyone to use, but please do not go and claim it as your own... This layout was made at Layouts R Us.. Enjoy
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| The Info | The Story | Title: People: Status: Sweetheart: Children: Occupation: Bitching Too: Bitching About: Sawyer's Thoughts: My Thoughts: TBCB: | Sawyer wasnt the busines minded person most of his siblings were.He also got bored really easily as he excused himself and wandered off leaving Michael to work out the details in his meeting with Stephen.So he wandered around the studio checking it out. Sawyer Badstreet This place is surpriseingly huge. And rather classy for an adult film studio. He continues to wander looking around when he hears some noises coming from down the hallway. He goes to investigate as he is rather curious in nature. He sees a doorway and peers through it. He sees a small catwalk over a studio as he ventures out onto it. He looks down and watches a scene going on between two women. Hes totally enjoying it until a spotlight catches him in the eyes blinding him. Sawyer Ugh... He stumbles back, entangleing his foot in some wire. He trips and falls through the catwalk and down into the set and scene, landing on the bed in front of the two women. He quickle sits up as the director screams cut and starts having a swearing fit. Sawyer sits up looking at the two women and then at the film crew.Then back at the two women. Sawyer I am terribly sorry for ruining the shoot. He starts to crawl off the bed to get up when.... | | This layout and banner was made by Classic Queen at LRU. If you like it and want one like it, just click on the picture and ask for one. It's really that simple. | | | |
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 | OOC: Whatever you want here | |  | Tera looked at Saywer as she smirked a bit, it was nice to see hot guys falling out of the sky as she laughed a bit not as mad as everyone else was, even the other girl had stomred off the set but she stayed there as she looked at him licking her lips a bit. ||Tera|| Mm i think its more than alright.. She said as she moved her hands over his chest a bit getting a few of his muscls. ||Tera|| Not every day we have a handsome man dropping from the sky.. She teased laughing a bit as she looked at him. | |  | |
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The Info | The Story | Title: People: Status: Sweetheart: Children: Occupation: Bitching Too: Bitching About: Sawyer's Thoughts: My Thoughts: TBCB: | Sawyer looked at her and then smirked. He was still really embarrased but he was in heaven at the moment. Sawyer Badstreet Well I dont usually fall for women as easily as that, just so you know! he looked at her as his eyes scanned over her body. She was fucking unbelieveably hot. Sawyer Badstreet I'll just excuse myself so ya'll can reshoot this scene! i didnt mean to mess it up! I wouldnt mind watching though, from over there, if thats ok! He looked at a spot close enough to see the action, yet to keep him off camera | | This layout and banner was made by Classic Queen at LRU. If you like it and want one like it, just click on the picture and ask for one. It's really that simple. | | | |
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 | OOC: Whatever you want here | |  | Tera looked at him as she smirked a bit, she looked around seeing that her co star had stormed off as she then just sighed a bit looking back at Sawyer.. ||Tera|| Care to take her place stud? I'm needing someone to fuck and I honestly don't care if its a woman or a man. She laughed a bit looking at him as she waited to see what he was going to say. | |  | |
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The Info | The Story | Title: People: Status: Sweetheart: Children: Occupation: Bitching Too: Bitching About: Sawyer's Thoughts: My Thoughts: TBCB: | Sawyer looked up into her beautiful eyes. Seeing her full luscious lips formed into somewhat of a pout. Sawyer Badstreet Well i was always taught to never disappoint when a lady wanted something. This made Tera Smile. She had been called alot of things over the years, but hadnt been called a Lady in quite some time. Sawyer schooched up on the bed some more as he reached out taking her hand and pulling her down on top of him as he kissed her lips passionately. | | This layout and banner was made by Classic Queen at LRU. If you like it and want one like it, just click on the picture and ask for one. It's really that simple. | |
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 | OOC: Whatever you want here | |  | Tera held him close as she kissed him back, she was happy tht he was wanting to pplay she was so horny as it was and well was more than willing to fuck this hot stud. {Tera} Mmm, you know how to kiss, but lets see what else you knjow how to do. She said as she worked at his clothes a bit, as she was wanting to get a better look at him. | |  | |
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| The Info | The Story | Title: People: Status: Sweetheart: Children: Occupation: Bitching Too: Bitching About: Sawyer's Thoughts: My Thoughts: TBCB: | Sawyer gave her the world famous Badstreet smirk as he slowly removed what there was of her clothing. Her body was magnificent Sawyer MMMMM Yummy! Tera Well dont just lay there stud, if I look so yummy then eat me baby! He slowly pushed he down on her back as he took his time kissing her and then working on her neck, making her progressively hotter then she already was. Tera grabbed his head and pushed his face deep in her moist pussy as she layed back and moaned softly, running he hands over her volumptious breasts as he ate her out. He ran his hands up and down her thighs as she wrapped her legs around his back as she held him to her She arched up as she tryed grindng her pussy even more into his face as his hungry mouth devouered her. | | This layout and banner was made by Classic Queen at LRU. If you like it and want one like it, just click on the picture and ask for one. It's really that simple. | |
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//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | | Michael still sat in the waiting area. The time for his appointment had long since come and gone.He read about every interesting article in every magazine in the waiting room. The secretary watched him with sympathy as her boss was in the habit of standing up their appointments. Michael finally stood up and walked over to her desk once more. Michael Any word on when your boss wil l be back? Secretary No Sir, I'm sorry! Michael Hey, its not your fault! Thanks for al l your help! I guess I'll reschedule! He waits for her to look up another day to make a new appointment. | | Candy Kisses Made as a freebie.. This layout is free for anyone to use, but please do not go and claim it as your own... This layout was made at Layouts R Us.. Enjoy
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//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | | Michael extends his hand to him and they shake. Michael I'm Michael Badstreet of BBP . Drake looks at him Michael Bad Boy Productions Drake Ok. Michael My company wishes to invest in your studios. We also wish to set up our own stage for a Major Adult Motion Picture Production. Ofcourse we would hire only stars signed under your company and our own. But I think this would be a venture worth looking into dont you? He looks at him waiting to see what he would say. | | Candy Kisses Made as a freebie.. This layout is free for anyone to use, but please do not go and claim it as your own... This layout was made at Layouts R Us.. Enjoy
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