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 | Stephen had been looking over the security cameras quick when he saw the one women being attacked he then saw some others as he couldn't belive what was happening he moved to go get his phone to call the police but it was disconnected.. Stpehen: What the.. He said as he then called for Jacob but there was no answer.. Stephen: What the hell is going on around here.. He said as he then went to get his cell phone to call the cops to help these women out as he knew what was going on wasn't what he had wanted.. | | |  | |
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 | She leaned down and nibbled softly on his neck. She moved faster and harder not able to hold herself back. Chantal: You feel so good, Jackson. So good. | |  | |
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 | Chantal: Harder, Jackson. You know how I like it. She dug her nails into his shoulders. Chantal: I want you harder, baby. Please. I need it. | |  | |
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 | Chantal held onto the tub yelling out in pleasure. Chantal: Oh god, Jackson. You feel so good. So damn good. | |  | |
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 | Chantal reached her hand behind her and grabbed his hand in hers. Chantal: Let me up baby. She waited for him to move then leaned against his chest and looked at him. Chantal: See baby. You can have sex without putting the woman in the hospital. You just have to keep control of yourself. | |  | |
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 | He looked at her as he grinned a bit.. Jackson: Good then that means Jacob will let me have you now He laughed as he wrapped his arms around her Jackson: Jacob said when i can take a woman with out hurting them then I could have you, I just have to show him so i have to fuck one.. but it'll be the last one before I fully take you.... | |  | |
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 | She looked at him smiling. She hadn't known that but it made her happy to hear it. Chantal: Just pretend she's me. Then if yourself getting out of control, pull it back some. | |  | |
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 | He looked at her thinking about it.. Jackson: I'll probably just do one of the porn stars.. as long as its not my sisters I dont' really care who, but I think someone more experinced will be easier to work with | |  | |
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 | She nodded and smiled. Chantal: Sylvia would be a good choice. Woman loves pain. | |  | |
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 | He nodded as he had thought about it.. Jackson: It was a toss up between her and Vessa. nothing phases that woman He laughed thinking about he had known Vessa for awhile too. another college mate that the two for the two of them. | |  | |
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 | She leaned against him and smiled. Chantal: I think either of them would be perfect. She kissed him softly. Chantal: I love you, Jackson. | |  | |
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 | Jackson thought about it a moment.. Jackson: I love you too Jackson then looked at her as he thought about the two of them. Jackson: Yeah the idea of me making usre i dont' hurt them will be stronger, I know that Shawn is fond of Slyiva and Vessa is Shawns Twin sister so if either get hurt Shawns going to make people suffer He said as he thought about it. | |  | |