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| Angel sat in the dressing room after being dropped off, she had the door locked and knew that Tyrone had a key...She sat on the couch curled up crying as she had a blanket rapped around her as she remembered what had happened as she still couldn't belive Kyle would do that to her... | | 
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| She holds onto his shoudler as she looks at him and smirks she boucnes up and down on him helping as she kisses him deeply Angel: Oh mm yeah baby, feels so good | | 
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Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it.  He felt her tight around him and he yelled out as she squeezed the cum from him. Tyrone: Oh god, baby. I made this masterpiece. If you like it and crave one like it, tough. I don't do requests. | |
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| Angel moaned out as she felt hiim cum deep inside of her... Angel: Mmm it gets better and better every time my love.. She smiled as she looked at him... | | 
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Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it.  He pulled out of her and kissed her softly. Tyrone: It sure does my love. I think it's going to be mindblowing in a few months. Hope I live through it. I made this masterpiece. If you like it and crave one like it, tough. I don't do requests. | |
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| She looked at him laughing a bit as she kissed him softly. Angel: I hope Vessa finds someone to make her as happy as you make me... Her and Madeline are the only ones who haven't been lucky enough to find love yet. | | 
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Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it.  He shrugged his shoulders. Tyrone: I'm sure they will in time. I made this masterpiece. If you like it and crave one like it, tough. I don't do requests. | |
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| She smiled as she looked at him as she leaned against him.. Angel: I hope so. Madi really needs to get laid shes been so bitchy lately She giggled as she looked at him. | | 
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Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it.  He looked at her and grinned. Tyrone: Maybe Luke can do her a favor and fuck her. Might make them both feel better. I made this masterpiece. If you like it and crave one like it, tough. I don't do requests. | |
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| She shook her head.. Angel: I saw Luke...He was with that blonde woman that works for Jacob too.. They seem to play together a lot when they''re not busy... She giggled as she looked at him.. Angel: What about Jason? He seems to like to play a bit and he let April go to that other smaller guy.. | | 
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Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it.  He shook his head. Tyrone: There's only one woman Jason is interested in. He won't play with any other unless he's working. I made this masterpiece. If you like it and crave one like it, tough. I don't do requests. | |
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| She thought about it, it was that blonde she had seen her picture in his wallett as she nodded her head.. Angel: Well I don't know anyone... Maybe we should by her a porn star for the night She giggled teasing a bit | | 
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Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it.  He kissed her softly. Tyrone: I know a few men who would be happy to fuck her. I made this masterpiece. If you like it and crave one like it, tough. I don't do requests. | |
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| Angel nodded as she looked at him.. Angel: You're so perfect love, not only are you great at sex, but you always have all the answer.. She said as she slapped his bum giggling | | 
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Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it.  He smiled and took her hand bringing it to his lips. Tyrone: I love you Mrs Wood. I made this masterpiece. If you like it and crave one like it, tough. I don't do requests. | |
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| She looked at him as she smiled softly... Angel: I love you Mr. Wood.. She said as she looked at him then leaned in kissing him softly... | | 
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