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 | |  | When Jessica woke up she saw that the sun was out as she streched a bit looking around, she saw Ryan laying there next to her as she smiled a bit... ||Jessica|| It looks like it must be still early for people to be here.. She said looking around as she wasn't sure why no one was around yet as she sat up in the bed looking around. | |  | |
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 | o0c:Can't be Jesse's she locked up, ask before you just start placing my charries places
Jessica looked at the person who had let them out. ||Jessica|| Thank you... She said as she was smiling softly as they were let out... | |  | |
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 | OOC: Sorry about that. My brain been everywhere these days | |  | They gotten out of the room but they had still had a great time together in there as well. He look at her then says Ryan Burgess: That remind me. Would you like to go out some time? He look at her as he waits for an answer as he says Ryan Burgess: You can say no if you want. I don't mind it | |  | |
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 | o0c:Can't be Jesse's she locked up, ask before you just start placing my charries places
She looked at him as she smiled softly thinking about it a moment as she then nodded her head wanting to go out with him sometime ||Jessica|| I would like that, to go out sometime. She ssmiled softly looking at him... | |  | |
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | |  | She had told him that she would love to go out with him some time, But when that will be? who knows that answer? There seem to be something in the air right now for these 2 love birds. Now let find out what going to happen. Ryan look at her as she told him that she would love to go out with him. He smiles then says Ryan Burgess:When would you like to go out? He look and smiles knowing that he have a chance with her. Ryan Burgess: When ever you want to go out let me know. I will pick you up. | |  | |
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 | o0c:something here
Jessica looked at him as she smiled softly ||Jessica|| Oh we can go out tonight or tomorrow night if you like, not like I have any plans or anything... She smiled softly looking at him. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | |  | She told him either tonight or tomorrow night for going out. Which will he choose? maybe he will say something about that. ryan smiles as he hear her say that then says. Ryan Burgess: Sure, I'm free on either time. Would you like to go out tonight? Ryan look into her eyes as he waits for the reply but says Ryan Burgess: I never notice that, You have beautiful eyes. | |  | |
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 | o0c:Can't be Jesse's she locked up, ask before you just start placing my charries places
Jessica looked at him smiling softly ||Jessica|| aww thank you, and tonight is fine with me... She said as she was smiling softly looking at him. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | |  | Woooooo She said tonight yay.She really must like me? Who knows? I'm just happy that she said yes. Now let get back on track here before something strange goes on as Ryan look at her then says Ryan Burgess:: what time do you want me to pick you up? and which place do you want to go out in as well? He look at her with a smile then waits for her reply. He looked and smiles thinks about how much he loves her as he says. Ryan Burgess: Any time and any place is fine with me. | |  | |
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 | |  | She looked at him smiling softly as she was trying to think of a place.. ||Jessica|| Well you can pick me up after work here, and as for where to go, Hmm I don't have a clue, we could just grab a bit at the cafertia here, seeing as people aren't leaving here She said seeing that the power was still out at the gate as she was looking out the window now. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | |  | Ryan look at her now remembering that the power was still out for unknown reason. He look at her as he was walking to her. He put his hands on her shoulders then says Ryan Burgess: True, The power is still out for strange reason. What time do you get off work? Ryan wonders when she will be off work so they can go out to dinner. He kept his hands on her shoulder as he says. Ryan Burgess: I can't wait to go out with you. | |  | |
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 | |  | Jessica looked at him as she smiled softly, ||Jessica|| I get off of work at 8 tonight, so I'm free anytime after that. She said smiling softly. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | |  | Ryan smiles as he heard her tell him that she get off work by 8 as Ryan think and says Ryan Burgess: How about I come and get you at about 9 pm? He smiles knowing that he cares about Jessica so much. He smiles once again then says Ryan Burgess: Does 9 pm sound good or do you want it to be later? | |  | |
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 | |  | She nodded as she smiled softly, as it was fine with her.. ||Jessica|| Nine is fine with me, You already know where my office is, so just meet me there, and then we'll go from there. She said smiling as she looked at him. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | |  | Jessican had told Ryan that 9 would be fine. Now I feel like I had completed something for the first time. Let take a look. what Ryan going to say. Ryan Burgess: Jessica, I will come by your ofice soon as possible. I will even have some roses for you as well. He smiles as he kisses her on the lips then says Ryan Burgess: I promise that you will have a great time. | |  | |
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 | |  | Jessica looked at him as she smiled softly nodding her head.. ||Jessica|| Alright then lover boy I'll see you tonight around 9.. She said a sshe smiled a bit then turned around as she went to her office to do her work for the day ||End of Thread|| | |  | |