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| JAmal walked into the studio, he didnt know where to go, or where he had to be, so he just walked around looking for someone to make conversation with, he ran up to a nice looking girl, who also seemed to be looking at him, so he went up and started a conversation. "Hi, im Jamal, im new here, and your name is?"
Tbc by anyone. | (c.) cruel intentions at diabolical designs. | RP Title: Here Word Count: Here OOC: Here | Stuntin' Is A Habit | | | | | |
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| OOC: Type whatever you'd like here to the person you're rping to. |
Carli looked at the man as she smiled softly, she was just putting her things away when she saw him as she smiled.. ||Carli|| Hey there. I'm Carli.. She said as she smiled softly in greeting | | 
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| Jamal looks at this beautiful girl in front of him, he looks her up and down and then replies. "Very Nice, Very, so do you work here too? Im new, and looking for a show as fast as possible, i might need a little warming up though." | (c.) cruel intentions at diabolical designs. | RP Title: Here Word Count: Here OOC: Here | Stuntin' Is A Habit | | | | | |
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| OOC: Type whatever you'd like here to the person you're rping to. |
Carli looked at him as she smiled softly nodding her head, as she did work here, but she wasn't one of the actors... ||Carli|| Well i do work here, but I just do peoples make up, I do not act in the movies, but if you're wanting to warm up, there are women around who would probably love to warm up with you. She said smiling as she looked at him | | 
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