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| She knew that this was dangerous but she had to try, she needed to find out what was going on here, and plus she had heard that her DNA matched one of the men here and she was wanting to find him, to see him, she had a seen his face in the file of her computer as she was now wanting face to face with the man, but she would deal with that later, first she needed to go thru the crime scene and see what drugs were being used as she was carefully gathering up things and looking around one of the empty rooms... | | 
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| Lacie yelled out as she felt him thrust into her.. she moved a bit trying to get him to stoop. ||Lacie|| It hurts... She said with tears in her eys. | | 
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 rp title;; ooc;; | He looked down at her and grinned. Xavier: Really? I think it feels pretty damn good. |  ..disclimer/a freebie at BKD, for anyones use, do not alter it. See more at the site..
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| She was shaking as she was crying as she tried to move... but she couldn't as she then after a bit just laid there turning her head a bit closing her eyes as she just laid there crying, waiting for him to be over... | | 
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 rp title;; ooc;; | He nibbled on her neck trying to get her to relax. Xavier: You might as well relax and enjoy it. You'll be getting this several times a day until someone decides he likes you and wants to keep you only for himself. |  ..disclimer/a freebie at BKD, for anyones use, do not alter it. See more at the site..
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| She gasped a bit as she felt him nibble on her neck, she wasn't lesbian, but she hadnt' been with anyone before as she laid there with her eyes still closed, she then heard what he said as she started to tremble agian, not wanting different men to do this to her. ||Lacie|| No please, I dont' want others to do this to me all the time, I dont' want to be used like that. | | 
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 rp title;; ooc;; | He looked down at her and grinned. Xavier: Then you better convince me that you are worth me keeping for myself. |  ..disclimer/a freebie at BKD, for anyones use, do not alter it. See more at the site..
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| She looked at him when he said that, she knew it was her only way, she didn't want to have all sorts of men doing her as she nodded looking at him. ||Lacie|| Wh...What do I have to do, to make you want to keep me? She looked asking... | | 
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 rp title;; ooc;; | He unstrapped her. Xavier: Fuck me good. |  ..disclimer/a freebie at BKD, for anyones use, do not alter it. See more at the site..
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| She bit her bottom lip when he said that she he let her go, she didnt' know how fuck anyone, but he helped her a bit as he rolled on his back, bringing her down on him as she ylled out a bit feeling him go even deeper.. ||Lacie|| Oh... She said as it felt good, he then taught her how to move on him as she started to do it on her own, moving up and down on him, as she watched seeing what he liked as she moved faster a bit, as she gasped and then moaned out... | | 
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| She blushed as she looked down at him nodding her head, she couldn't help it, it did feel good, She moved up and down on him as her hand was on his chest loving how he was making her feel. | | 
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| She looked at him when he said that as she didn't even think about it as she nodded her head. ||Lacie|| Yes.. She said out in a moan as her body was feeling incredible. | | 
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| Lacie looked at him as she moaned out as she looked at the ring a moment as she had her hand on his arm as she wrapped her legs around him moaning out again. ||Lacie|| Mm yours.. | | 
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