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 | //Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. |  | ||Role Play Title||: Here ||Fucking||: Here ||ICC||: Here ||OOC||: Here ||TBCB||: Here | July walked around the halls looking around a bit.. ||July|| Eh this is boring here... No action, no movies in ages, what is going on.. She sighed as she was thinking about it.. ||July|| Eh maybe I came to the wrong studio... Theres still time to jump over to Wicked.. She thought about it as she didn't see much going on here. | %Blood Passion Aka Spoiled Kitty...You like....You love...You lust... Then you request... | | | | | |
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| Anthony Garcia had just arrived at the studios and was having a look around when he ran across the lovely lady standing before him. She was standing beside a chair with a leg up as she was adjusting the strap on her high heeled strappy shoe . She was beautiful and he was impressed by her rock hard physique, yet the soft way she carried herself. Anthony Garcia Need any assistence Miss? He leaned against the doorway still checking out her ass when she turns to look at him. Anthony Garcia Just happened to be passing by and saw a fair damsel in distress. He smirked at her | | 
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 | //Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. |  | ||Role Play Title||: Here ||Fucking||: Here ||ICC||: Here ||OOC||: Here ||TBCB||: Here | July looked at him as she smirked a bit,... He was the first person that he had seen in awhile so she was a bit pleased to hear a voice at this point, she heard what he said as she finished with her heel as she then stook up straight as she looked at him. ||July|| Hmm well its nice to see that i"m not the only one around here. She looked at him as she smiled softly. ||July|| Mm so what are you doing around here? Are you a star? Or one of the many other little workers? She looked at him asking. | %Blood Passion Aka Spoiled Kitty...You like....You love...You lust... Then you request... | | | | | |
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| He looked at her as he listened to what she said and he wondered if she considered herself so much better then the so caled"Little workers" or wether he just misunderstood her. He thought about it before he answered her modestly. Anthony Garcia I wouldnt really call myself a star persay... July So your just a little worker then? Anthony Garcia I didnt say that. I just merely meant that I consider myself to be just one of many talented individuals that make up this place. No better and no worse then any one else around here. He gave her a slight smile. Anthony Garcia so I'm assuminmg that your one of the many porn goddesses running artound here ? | | 
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 | //Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. |  | ||Role Play Title||: Here ||Fucking||: Here ||ICC||: Here ||OOC||: Here ||TBCB||: Here | July nodded as she looked at him thinking a moment as she was thinking he got the wrong idea about what she ment when she had said little workers.. ||July|| Oh when I said little workers I meant the crew, and others, there are a few of those around here, some working on one of the sets right now, and then we have our make up girl. She said smiling as she looked at him letting him know, so he wouldn't get the wrong idea about her. ||July|| Um just so you know Stephan is no longer here, but there is a new guy here, Drake I think his name is. She said letting him know filling him in a bit as she then waited to see what he was going to say as he looked at her. | %Blood Passion Aka Spoiled Kitty...You like....You love...You lust... Then you request... | | | | | |
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| Anthony listened to her as she explained the change in ownership.He shook his head, not likeing what he was hearing. Anthony Garcia I liked Stephen. Hes the only reason I'm here. He talked me into coming out and joining the crew here. Said that what I had to offer the women would be well recieved and enjoyed. I didnt fully agree with him, but having worked for him before, he was very convinceing and I knew Id get a fair shake.So what about you tall well built and sexy as hell? Whats your story? He leaned against the door caseing as he watched her as he waited to see what she would say. | | 
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 | //Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. |  | ||Role Play Title||: Here ||Fucking||: Here ||ICC||: Here ||OOC||: Here ||TBCB||: Here | July looked at him as she listened to him talk. ||July|| Well all of sTephens old workers are here, Jessica still runs things a bit, and even his sister Jesse Brown is here now as well to help out.. So not that much has changed She said as she was thinking about it.. ||July|| and as for my story, I'm not sure yet, I got a better offer than what Wicked was going to give me but the way things seem to be going, I'm wondering if I made the right choose myself you know.. Seh said thinking about it. | %Blood Passion Aka Spoiled Kitty...You like....You love...You lust... Then you request... | | | | | |
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| Anthony Garcia Well, i hope for all our sake, you decide to stick around here for bit. Wicked Pictures is so over rated anyways. July Maybe so, but atleast a girl doesnt have to sit around there waiti9ng for some action to come her way! He smirked at her . Anthony Garcia Well a girl doesnt have to sit here and wait for any action to come her way cause shes got all the action she can handle right here in front of her! He reaches out placing his hand on her hip. Anthony Garcia That is, if I might keep you from getting too bored! He winks at her. | | 
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 | //Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. |  | ||Role Play Title||: Here ||Fucking||: Here ||ICC||: Here ||OOC||: Sorry it sucks but i cant' type to much lol ||TBCB||: Here | July looked at him as she smirked a bit hearing what he said, she licked her lips looking at him as she moved against him, not shy at all, more than happy to play with him, and keep herself from getting bored. ||July|| Mm I think I'm liking how this is sounding baby... You can keep me busy as long as you think you can handle me. She smiled as she looked at him. | %Blood Passion Aka Spoiled Kitty...You like....You love...You lust... Then you request... | | | | | |
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