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WARNING: The following most likely will contain things that you probably don't want to read. Just hit the little red button at the top. You know the one with the little X in it. Then you won't have to worry about what you might see if you read on. If you do read on and get offended, don't come crying to me. You were warned and I won't feel sorry for you at all. | 
Name It: Here Who's Playing: Here Fucking: Here OOC: Here TBCB: Here Skylar sat out back in the dressing rooms. There was nobody around to object at the moment and most people wouldnt anyways, knowing her ,as popular as she once was. She has made her return to the world of adult entertainment because of the constant nagging of her long time friend Jesse Jane. she had come back, but had no intentions of doing any movies unless her parts were in all girl scenes. She had had it with men for now and her life was at the very least complicated. She didnt know how much in need of lesbian scenes they were, but hoped to get a few spots. Skylar I cant believe she talked me into coming back. She looked at herself in the mirror. Skylar I must be totally crazy! But the people here are soo hot! She started remembering all the sexy people she had been with in the past and it all suddenly made her feel extremely horny. She walked over to the couch and slowly slid off her dress as she laid down and started running her hands over her body. Hoping noone would come in but some how wishing they would .She was being naughty but it wasnt any fun being naughty alone. The door suddenly opened and she looked up Skylar Ohhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm She smiled at them. Sorry I'll be finished in a minute and you can have the room. | | This layout was made by Southern Charm at LRU.. If you want it. You are welcome to steal it. But do you really want to have your toes superglued to your eyeballs? You can click the pretty picture on the left and just ask me one. I don't mind making you one. | | | | |
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What you are about to read may not be suitable for all eyes. If you think you are too young or too old to handle it, back away now. |  | Title: | People Involved:: | OOC | It was my first day on the job and I had no idea what I was doing. I was supposed to be reporting to makeup, but i quickly became lost in the huge studio.I had wandered into the dressing rooms in hopes of finding someone to give me directions. What i found however wa something quite a bit different and looking a whole lot more fun.A tall blonde with long legs and a body to die for was laying half naked on a sofa, playing with herself. If that by itsself wasnt hot enough, I recognized her as a retired porn starlet and one of my favorites at that.I walked farther into the dressing room, closing the door behind me as I looked over at her giving her a smile. Sarayia No worries darlin, you just finish up what your doing there and dont you mind me at all. I'll just stand right over here and until your finished. Take your time and enjoy yourself Miss Badstreet! She looked up at me. Sarayia Yes I know who you are. Your only one of the greatest porn starlets of this generation. I said with a smile on my face. Then i curled my lip and thought for a second before saying anything else. Saryia ofcourse I am more then willing to assist you if you have a taste for a exotic! I hoped that I didnt sound too conceited. | Disclaimer: This layout was made by Kris at Layouts-R-Us and is free to use by anyone. | | |
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WARNING: The following most likely will contain things that you probably don't want to read. Just hit the little red button at the top. You know the one with the little X in it. Then you won't have to worry about what you might see if you read on. If you do read on and get offended, don't come crying to me. You were warned and I won't feel sorry for you at all. | 
Name It: Here Who's Playing: Here Fucking: Here OOC: Here TBCB: Here She looks up at her, noticeing her volumptuous breasts and her well proportioned body. Skylar couldnt help but give her a sexy smile anda playful little wink. Skylar I am a lady with very exotic taste. Or should i say that I want to taste an exotic beauty? they exchanged smiles as skylar holds up her hand motioning her to come closer with her finger. Sarayia walks over to stand beside her as Skylar touches her knee tenterly as she lightly runs her fingers up her bare thigh. Skylar Why dont you get more comfortable lovely? She runs her tongue gingerly over he lips, moitoning them and making herself appear even more sexy. Her eyes sparkled with desire as she watched the young girl begin to slowly strip off her clothing. | | This layout was made by Southern Charm at LRU.. If you want it. You are welcome to steal it. But do you really want to have your toes superglued to your eyeballs? You can click the pretty picture on the left and just ask me one. I don't mind making you one. | | | | |
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What you are about to read may not be suitable for all eyes. If you think you are too young or too old to handle it, back away now. |  | Title: | People Involved:: | OOC | her touch made me shiver as I nervously started taking off my clothing. The dress was skin tight so Skylar got a very slow and lasting veiw of my body as i slinked my dress over my head. I tossed it aside as I stood loking down at her . Wanting her and knowing i was about to have fun with one of my idols. My white silk lace bra and panties a gentle contrast against my cocoa body.I coukld tell that she liked what she saw. Slowly I walked a little closer as I stood at the foot of the couch now.I loked down at her as she had stopped playing and was watching my every move. I could smell her sex and I saw the moistness of her pussy on the thin fabric of her panties. I smiled with delight as she reached out with her legs, wrapping them around me and pulling me down on the bed, on top of her.Our lips connected and we shared a realy soft kiss. We slowly begin to grind our pussies against each other. I started to think that this was going to be one amazing encounter. I remove my lips from hers and kiss slowly and gently down her neck till I reach her breasts. She is breathing deeply, causing her little breasts to move up and down. I I gently pull the material of her bra away and lick all around the hard little nipple. Then I finally take it into my mouth. A little gasp escapes from her. I suck hard on her nipple, occasionally nibbling it. My other hand runs between her legs. I can feel the heat off her pussy. When I reach her pussy lips, I feel the wetness of her. She is so wet. I can't wait to taste her Saryia Baby you have got it goin on girl! I kissed a tender trail from one brest to the other wich I had also exposed for my pleasure. I took my turn with that one as well causing a few soft moans to escape her sweet lips. | Disclaimer: This layout was made by Kris at Layouts-R-Us and is free to use by anyone. | | |
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WARNING: The following most likely will contain things that you probably don't want to read. Just hit the little red button at the top. You know the one with the little X in it. Then you won't have to worry about what you might see if you read on. If you do read on and get offended, don't come crying to me. You were warned and I won't feel sorry for you at all. | 
Name It: Here Who's Playing: Here Fucking: Here OOC: Here TBCB: Here Saryia lightly trace over Skylars body with her tongue until she reaches her wet pussy. Skylar puts her legs over Saryias shoulders andshe begin kissing Skylars thighs, getting as close as she can without touching her pussy. Skylar starts whimpering. Saryia finally lick quickly over her hard little clit. Causing her to moan loudly And thats all the invitation Saryia needs. She uses her fingers to pull Skylars wet pussy lips apart. Then slip one finger inside her and pull it out. IShe reachs up to Skylars mouth and she sucks on her finger, tasting her own juices. Skylar MMMMMM feel how wet I am for you sexy! Skylar then purrs and moans as she continues being assulted by Saryias mouth and fingers.
| | This layout was made by Southern Charm at LRU.. If you want it. You are welcome to steal it. But do you really want to have your toes superglued to your eyeballs? You can click the pretty picture on the left and just ask me one. I don't mind making you one. | | | |
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Warning: The following roleplay that you are about to read may contain content such as sexual scenes, swearing, use of drugs and booze, sucide and other topics that your little mind may not be able to handle. If you find that the content is not to your liking or can't even understand it, please hit the back button or hit the "x" on the right top hand corner of the screen. It is just that easy. However, if you do read on, remember that this is your only warning that you will recieve. If you do end up in the hospital, it is not my fault because you failed to read the warning. Now that this little warning is done, you can read on. Have a nice day! |
| Slogan here | Roleplay tite | Insert here | People featured | Insert here | Allies/enemies/next victim | Insert here | Achievements | Insert here | Next match | Insert here | OOC | Insert here | | | I slide my tongue deep into pussy. I lick up and down the wet slit. It tastes so good. She is so sweet. I lick her hard little clit. Suck and nibbleing on it gently. Then I slide 3 fingers into her pussy, move ing them in and out hard and fast.Skylar is screaming, telling me to fuck her faster. Telling me that she is about to cum. I know what she wants, so I keep fucking her pussy with my fingers, and I start to suck on her asshole.
Then she screams out, her pussy clinches my fingers, and she cums. Her juices keep flowing and flowing. After a few more spasms of her pussy. I remove my fingersfrom her wetness and hold them to her mouth . We both lick and suck them off from my fingers as we clean up her mess.She looks at me as I smile at her caressing her chhek ever so lightly. Sarayia Your very tasty Miss Badstreet! Skylar Call me Skylar, you earned it! We exchange a smile as she then grabs my hips.
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | The following layout is a freebie made by Blaze Inferno for the use of anyone. However, if I find out that you are trying to claim this as your own, you can expect to be burned alive and people spitting on your corpse. Anyways, whoever uses this layout, I will let you know that your character is not affliated with WWE, TNA, the superstars, or any real life people. It is only a mere concidence. | |
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