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| Sasha sat in her dressing room as she was going over her lines, Becca had Emma and was playing with her for awhile... Becca had taen a likeing to the baby, knowing that Becca was pregnant and wanting to learn a bit, so Sasha let her... She sat on her couch as she was hoping to meet with her co star soon, but she was told he wasnt' there yet.. ||Sasha|| I hope i dont' get stood up again, She said afraid of what would happen if she didn't have anyone to do the movie with, she wasn't doing so good, but she was trying and hoping that after today things would start looking up for her. After a bit she heard a knock on the door as it opened as she looked up smiling softly hoping it was her co star as she waited to see who was coming in... | | 
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 | She looked at him seeing how happy he was to know that he had a daughter, as it made her feel a little better. ||Sasha|| Shes with my cousin Becca right now, she watches her for me when I go on set... She said as she looked at him. ||Sasha|| I tried to find another job, but no one would hire me, but they hired me back here and even let me bring our new born with me, since my cousins agreed to help me, and make sure I could still do my job. She said honestly as she looked at him. | |  | |
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. | . | | . | . | | | | | +.Michael Kingsley.+ | Michael nodded, understanding. "I'm glad you were able to find work... I'm just upset that it even had to come to that. If I was there, it would never have been like this." He sighs and rubs his face a bit, trying to get rid of the stress, but to no avail. "I'm really sorry, Sasha." | | | +.Blackroses.+ | | | | . | | | . | . | |
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 | Sasha looked at him as she heard what he said, as she nodded her head a bit.. ||Sasha|| Its alright Micheal, You couldnt' help being gone.. they took you, its not like you went willingly. She said honestly. | |  | |
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. | . | | . | . | | | | | +.Michael Kingsley.+ | He looked up at the doors and then to the corner of the room, where the camera was. "I don't know how we're gonna get outta here, baby. I'll figure it out, though." | | | +.Blackroses.+ | | | | . | | | . | . | |
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 | Sasha looked at him as she didnt' want to be hurt, she didnt' want to be taken away from her daughter so she was just goig to do what she was told as she looked at him. ||Sasha|| Please dont fight, I dont' want anything to happen, I just want to make sure I can have our daughter, so lets just do what they want us to do. She looked at him being honest with him as she was thinking about it. | |  | |
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. | . | | . | . | | | | | +.Michael Kingsley.+ | He knew she was right. They'd have to do it. He couldn't risk the woman he loves's safety by trying to be a hero. He stood up and paced back and forth for a minute. "I'll just explain to Jacob that we have a daughter already, and that I want to go get her. that way, she'll be with us." | | | +.Blackroses.+ | | | | . | | | . | . | |
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 | She looked at him as she nodded, hoping that she could see her daughter again, she missed her a lot. ||Sasha|| Alright, She said as she looked at him smiling a bit, happy that he was going to try to get there daughter to be with them. | |  | |
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. | . | | . | . | | | | | +.Michael Kingsley.+ | Michael left the room and headed towards Jacob. He spoke to him for a few minutes and explained. After being told he'd be killed if he didn't come back, Michael nodded and headed for Sasha's sister's house. He got there and saw her sitting on the couch with the baby. He rang the bell and when she opened the door, he stuck the needle deep into her neck. He dragged her back inside and sat her back down on the couch. He looked down at his baby and smiled happily. She was beautiful, just like her Mommy. He grabbed her and saw her diaper bag by the door, and grabbed that too and left. He quickly rushed back to the hideout, not wanting Jacob to think he had run away. He came back to his room and walked in, seeing that Sasha had redressed and smiled at her as he handed their daughter over. "She looks just like you, baby." | | | +.Blackroses.+ | | | | . | | | . | . | |
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 | Sasha held Emma to her as she smiled looking at Micheal. ||Sasha|| Shes my whole world, I'm happy that she has her daddy back again, I didn't want to raise her alone. She said honestly as she looked at him. | |  | |
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. | . | | . | . | | | | | +.Michael Kingsley.+ | He shook his head and sat down next to her. "You won't have to, sasha. I promise you, from here on out, I'll here for you two." He kissed Emma's forehead and then looked up into Sasha's eyes. "I hope we can continue on from where we were when I left.I love you." | | | +.Blackroses.+ | | | | . | | | . | . | |
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 | She smiled softly as she looked at him, she nodded her head as she was willing to start things off where they were last time. ||Sasha|| I love you too. She said as she leaned up kisisng him softly as she was still holding onto thier daughter, She jumped when the door open as a bassient was brought in as she watched a moment.. ||Sasha|| I guess they are pleased with us. She said watching as they left again, as she looked at the bassient for the baby. | |  | |
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. | . | | . | . | | | | | +.Michael Kingsley.+ | Michael nodded and smiled. "As long as they see that the family is expanding, they're happy." He looked down at their daughter and smiled. "I'm happy." | | | +.Blackroses.+ | | | | . | | | . | . | |
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 | Sasha looked at him as she smiled softly thinking about it, she knew things weren't that great, but she was actully happy as well. ||Sasha|| I'm happy too. She said honestly as she looked at him. | |  | |
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 | .+.Title.+. Sasha going over her lines... .+OOC.+. Like the new layout? | Michael wrapped his arms around Sasha holding their daughter and sighed. "I'm still in shock that we have this beautiful little girl. And that I have you both in my life." He looks into sasha's eyes and shakes his head a bit. "I know you're gonna tell me it wasn't my fault or anything, but I really am sorry that I wasn't there for you two." | |  | |
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 | .+. Title.+. .+.OOC.+. Its very nice | Sasha llooked at him as she smiled soflty not wanting things to be scary anymore or for him to feel bad, she looked down seeing that their daughter was sleeping as she moved putting her in the bassienett that was brought down for her as she then turned looking at him. ||Sasha Riley|| It doesn't do any good to sit here and feel sorry for things that couldnt' be helped or changed, right now we just have to do what we can to stay alive and stay together. She said honestly as she looked at him as she didnt' want Emma or him taken away from her, or did she want to be forced with someone else so she was going to do her best to do what they wanted her to do. | |  | |