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What you are about to read may not be suitable for all eyes. If you think you are too young or too old to handle it, back away now. | 
| Title: | People Involved:: | OOC | Sami walked into the dressing room area as she was warlking around looking for Hope or any other one of her cousins or someone she knew, she had arrived earlier than she thought, but figured they wouldn't mind as she knew Hope was wanting to talk to her, but didn't get the chance to tell her about what as she was working on getting it straightened out here.. | Disclaimer: This layout was made by Kris at Layouts-R-Us and is free to use by anyone. | | |
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What you are about to read may not be suitable for all eyes. If you think you are too young or too old to handle it, back away now. | 
| Title: | People Involved: | OOC: | Sami laid there as she nodded her head smiling as she looked at Les.. Sami: Alright love, I'll stay right here and wait for you She said as she smiled happily | Disclaimer: This layout was made by Kris at Layouts-R-Us and is free to use by anyone. | | |
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What you are about to read may not be suitable for all eyes. If you think you are too young or too old to handle it, back away now. | Roleplay title | Insert here | People featured | Insert here | OOC | Insert here | TBC By | Insert here | |  | | | Les kissed her softly then went into an adjoining bathroom to shower. He wasn't in there very long. He didn't bother dressing when he was finished. He walked over to the bed and dropped the towel before leaning over and kissing Sami. Les: I love you. | Disclaimer: This layout was made by Tigerlily at Layouts-R-Us and is free to use by anyone. | | |
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What you are about to read may not be suitable for all eyes. If you think you are too young or too old to handle it, back away now. | 
| Title: | People Involved: | OOC: | Sami kissed him back as she looked at him smiling softly Sami: I love you Les | Disclaimer: This layout was made by Kris at Layouts-R-Us and is free to use by anyone. | | |
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What you are about to read may not be suitable for all eyes. If you think you are too young or too old to handle it, back away now. | Roleplay title | Insert here | People featured | Insert here | OOC | Insert here | TBC By | Insert here | |  | | | He saw that she had already undressed for bed and smiled. His eyes moved over her body stopping for a few minutes on her slightly round stomach. Les: I am so glad that you are here. | Disclaimer: This layout was made by Tigerlily at Layouts-R-Us and is free to use by anyone. | | |
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What you are about to read may not be suitable for all eyes. If you think you are too young or too old to handle it, back away now. | 
| Title: | People Involved: | OOC: | Sami looked at him as she smiled softly she was happy to be here with him, she had missed him, she couldnt' think of any place she would rather be right now or anytime ever.. Sami: I'm glad that i'm here to love, I've missed you and didn't want to go any longer with out seeing you. | Disclaimer: This layout was made by Kris at Layouts-R-Us and is free to use by anyone. | | |
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What you are about to read may not be suitable for all eyes. If you think you are too young or too old to handle it, back away now. | Roleplay title | Insert here | People featured | Insert here | OOC | Insert here | TBC By | Insert here | |  | | | He moved over her being careful of her stomach. He kissed her softly as he slowly slid inside of her. Les: Never apart again. | Disclaimer: This layout was made by Tigerlily at Layouts-R-Us and is free to use by anyone. | | |
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What you are about to read may not be suitable for all eyes. If you think you are too young or too old to handle it, back away now. | 
| Title: | People Involved: | OOC: | She moaned out as she felt him deep inside her loving it as she held him close to him kissing him as she looked at him smiling softly. Sami: I never want to be away from you again. | Disclaimer: This layout was made by Kris at Layouts-R-Us and is free to use by anyone. | | |
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What you are about to read may not be suitable for all eyes. If you think you are too young or too old to handle it, back away now. | Roleplay title | Insert here | People featured | Insert here | OOC | Insert here | TBC By | Insert here | |  | | | Les: Together forever. He kissed her again and smiled. Les: So beautiful. So happy to be with you again. | Disclaimer: This layout was made by Tigerlily at Layouts-R-Us and is free to use by anyone. | | |
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 | Sami looked at him as she smiled softly, as she reached up kissing him tenderly... ||Sami|| I"m so happy to be with you too, Les... | |  | |
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What you are about to read may not be suitable for all eyes. If you think you are too young or too old to handle it, back away now. | Roleplay title | Insert here | People featured | Insert here | OOC | Insert here | TBC By | Insert here | |  | | | He moved so he could go deeper into her without putting pressure on her stomach. He laid his hands on her belly and smiled. Les: Our love and alot of sex did that. | Disclaimer: This layout was made by Tigerlily at Layouts-R-Us and is free to use by anyone. | | |
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 | Sami smiles nodding as she looks at him as she raises up taking more of him in... ||Sami|| Mm love yes, our love and lots and lots of sex did this She giggled as she looked at him. | |  | |
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What you are about to read may not be suitable for all eyes. If you think you are too young or too old to handle it, back away now. | Roleplay title | Insert here | People featured | Insert here | OOC | Insert here | TBC By | Insert here | |  | | | He leaned down kissing her softly. Les: Lots of love and sex is going to give us lots more kids too. | Disclaimer: This layout was made by Tigerlily at Layouts-R-Us and is free to use by anyone. | | |
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 | Sami smiled as she didn't midn that... ||Sami|| Oh.. thats fine with me, I love children... | |  | |
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What you are about to read may not be suitable for all eyes. If you think you are too young or too old to handle it, back away now. | Roleplay title | Insert here | People featured | Insert here | OOC | Insert here | TBC By | Insert here | |  | | | He was close to cumming and moved faster and deeper. He wanted her to get the ultimate pleasure too. Not only him. Les: I love you, Sami. | Disclaimer: This layout was made by Tigerlily at Layouts-R-Us and is free to use by anyone. | | |
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 | Sami moaned out feeling him going faster and a bit harder as she started to tremble under him after a moment as she gasped some.. ||Sami|| Oh God Les... She said as she felt her orgasm going thru her... | |  | |