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| Sasha is still locked in her room but is alright with it, she has her daughter and is brought food and other improtant things so she can take care of her, she sits thre as she watches the baby sleeping in the bassinett as she keeps looking out the window, she doesnt' understand what is going on, no one is telling her anything, but she wasn't going to complain, at least they weren't hurting her or her daughter, so she was going to do what ever she was told, as she hoped soon something good would be happening here as she didnt' know how much more she could take being locked in this room. {Sasha Riley} Just have to keep hoping and praying that things will work out, and that we'll get out of here. She sighed as she was thinking about it... as she lookd over at her baby who was sleeping, as she went over hesrself as she went laying on the bed as she covered up closing her eyes waiting to fall asleep. | | 
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| She gasped as she looked at him shocked. {Sasha} What.. why? | | 
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| Sasha looked at him as she frowned a bit hearing it, but felt bad and understood that he had to do what he needed, to get gree.. {Sasha} I undersand, and know you had to do it. | | 
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| She looked at him when he said that as she was thinking about it, she didn't like waht this place had become, there had to be something, some way out of this, or to get things back to normal, just couldnj't keep it the way its gong {Sasha} I hope soon, things get back to normal and we aren't locked in. | | 
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| Sasha looked at him as she was thinking about it, this place had been her home for awhile now, it jsut as been recelently that she had been locked in. {Sasha Riley} I live here, but they never use to lock me in She siad honestly. | | 
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| Sasha nodded looking at him as she sighed a bit thinking about it, she didn't like hearing that this was a place she use to love, and now so much bad things have hapened. {Sasha} no one has bothered me though. | | 
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| She looked at her daughter as she smiled at her, she was her life, her only reason for going on like she had been. {Sasha Riley} They aren't goig to take her away from me are they? I don't want ot lose my baby. | | 
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| Sasha took her daughter holding her close, as she couldn't bare the thought of losing her daughter, she was the world to her.. The reason that she went on as she had, and hadn't given up... {Sasha} Good.. I couldn't bare to loose her. | | 
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