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| | .warning. This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUALCONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | | .:The Title:. Here .:People Used:. Here .:My Sweetheart:. Here .:OOC:. Here | Angel sat in her dressing room as she laid there for a bit, she knew that she was only an extra so she didn't mind, she was only suppose to do a few words and not any sex, so she wasn't needed for awhile.. She laid on the couch as she started to doze off after a little bit...as she was curled up on the couch.. | Candy Kisses made for Angel and her use for Angel Blade.... Don't steal this layout if you need one just requestand one can be easly made for you.. | | | |
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| | .warning. This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUALCONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | | .:The Title:. Here .:People Used:. Here .:My Sweetheart:. Here .:OOC:. Here | She looked at him smiling as she moaned out a bit holding onto him she then thought of something... Angel: If we ever have a daughter, can we name her Dolly Wood she said giggling but liking the name | Candy Kisses made for Angel and her use for Angel Blade.... Don't steal this layout if you need one just requestand one can be easly made for you.. | | | |
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Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it.  He looked down at her then laughed. Tyrone: She can be named anything you want her to be named. | |
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| | .warning. This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUALCONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | | .:The Title:. Here .:People Used:. Here .:My Sweetheart:. Here .:OOC:. Here | She smiled as she looked at hiim she was about to say something when she noticed they were alone, she gasped a bit as she looked at Tyrone lettig him know that they weren't alone as she tried to cover herself a bit. | Candy Kisses made for Angel and her use for Angel Blade.... Don't steal this layout if you need one just requestand one can be easly made for you.. | | | |
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Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it.  Tyrone put his body between her and their visitor. Tyrone: Get out. I'm trying to spend some private time with my wife. | |
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 | Madeline stood in the door way as she looked at them not caring about what they are doing.. Madeline: Its Stacy She frowned looking at them Madeline: Somethings wrong i heard the nosie but couldn't get in the room and now its quiet in there... | |  | |
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Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it.  Tyrone: Fuck. He pulled away from Angel and grabbed his pants. Tyrone: Take me to her room. | |
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 | Madeline ran out as she walked him to where Stacy's room was, she was worried about her sister as she was hoping she was alright.. Madeline: There thats her room. She said pointing to the locked door | |  | |
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Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it.  Tyson pulled a set of keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door. He let Madeline inside first then looked around the room. Tyrone: Nobody's here. | |
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 | Madelien frowned as she looked around checking all the rooms as she was hoping that she was just in there or something, but she knew he was right.. She didn't like this, she knew Stacy wouldn't just leave she heard the noise and new someoen took her... Madeline: someone took her, I heard her struggling, I know she didn't leave on her own... I need to find her.. She said as she was worried as she started to leave the room needing to find her sister to make sure she was alright. | |  | |
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Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it.  Tyrone grabbed Madeline's arm. Tyrone: I want you to go stay with Angel. Kyle's already tried to attack her once tonight. Last thing I need is for another one of my neices to come up missing or for my wife to. I'll find Stacy. | |
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 | She looked at him shocked to hear that Kyle did that, she didn't know what to think but nodded her head as she was going to do what she was told.. Madeline: Please find her.. | |  | |
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Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it.  He softly rubbed his neices cheek. Tyrone: I'll find her. I have a strong feeling that when I do, I'll also find Kyle. | |
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 | She looked at him frowning when he said that.. Madeline: He won't hurt her, well he? She looked to him for answers because she wasn't really sure what was going on. | |  | |
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Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it.  He shrugged his shoulders. Tyrone: I honestly don't know. I know he cares about her alot so I don't think he'd hurt her. | |
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 | She looked at him as she nodded her head.. Madeline: I hope you're right, i'm gonna go and sit with Angel, keep me posted place on what you find, I hope you find her | |  | |