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 | |  | Ryan look at his watch then wonders if anything would be fun to do since he was just sitting doing nothing just wattching tv and reading his script that currently working on as he says Ryan Burgess: man, I know there something on tv but reading this script would pass the time but it isn't working. Ryan look at the watch again as he wonders what gonna happen since he is looking for something to do. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | |  | Ryan look at the photographer as he look at her then says Ryan Burgess: Sure, You can come in if you want to. Ryan smiles as he finally seen someone that came to his dressing room before he goes insane. Ryan Burgess: Well, Are you coming in or are you standing outside to the cold? | |  | |
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| Jesse looked at him a bit confused when he said that... She was only in the hall but shook her head as she then walked in.. Jesse: Hello Mr. Burgess I'm Jesse Brown, I'm a photographer hired to take pictures of the porn stars.. So I was hoping to get some pictures of you to add.. | | 
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | |  | Ryan look at her as he think of what to say Ryan Burgess: It's nice to meet you too. So what type of style pictures do you want for the collection? Ryan look at Jesse Browns as he waits for a reply from her. He wonders what type of pictures she wanted. | |  | |
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| She smiled as she looked at him, He seemed nice enought, didn't seem like he was in on anything.. Jesse: Just nature stuff, just you being you, She said as she held her camera up looking at him as she smiled as she started to take some shots... Jesse: Just do what seems natural to you | | 
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | |  | Ryan smiles as he takes off his coat then put it over on the rack. He decided to take off his shirt since it was warm in the dressing room area. He look at her then continue to work on as he says Ryan know that u can sit down or do what ever u like with that camera, You know Ryan smiles as he get up then streches his arm as it reveal his six pack thathe earn from his previous movies stunts he work on before | |  | |
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| Jesse looked at him as she smiled a bit watching him as he seemed really comfortable with the camera.. Jesse: I see you're liking the camera.. but then again why wouldn't you.. She smiled as she looked at him taking more pictures.. Yeah more than she needed but hell he was a hottie she might have to keep these... She smirked a bit as she looked at him. | | 
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | |  | Ryan listen to what Jesse had said about him liking the camera. He knew thathe having fun and that why he is here in this porn studio. He look at her then smiles as he says Ryan Burgess: Why wouldn't I? I love people taking pictures of me no matter where I go. Ryan smiles then takes off his shoes then his socks. He just being natural like she wanted him to be. Ryan Burgess: So, Tell me how do you like these pictures you are taking? Ryan look at her with a smile wondering what she is thinking about him in her head. | |  | |
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| Jesse looked at him as she smiled softly Jesse: I like them, you're very fun to take pictures of.. She said honestly as she looked at him. Jesse: So its a bit strange around here? I had a hard time getting in... Have you noticed anything strange around here? She asked as she kept taking pictures. | | 
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | |  | Ryan look at her as he was walking toward to the fridge then listen to what she said then says. Ryan Burgess: I notice that the gate was locked up eailier when i was working with Vessa on scene. I didn't even notice that people disappears quickly like they never return. Ryan grab a coke then says Ryan Burgess: Do you want anything to drink? | |  | |
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| Jesse listened to everything that he said as she shook his head when he offered her a drink.. Jesse: Thank you but no.... she didn't know if anything was drugged so she was wanting to be carefule.. As she looked at him smiling. Jesse: So tell me how long have you been here? | | 
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | |  | Ryan smiles as he open up the coke then take a sip from it. He listen and think of what to say about hat question. Ryan Burgess: I have only been here for few days and so far, It been really picking up fast. We had more stars appears on the studio. Ryan look at her then takes another sip from his coke then says Ryan Burgess: You sure ask a lot of questions though. But it alright. | |  | |
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| She looked at him as she was trying to think of something ot cover for herself... Jesse: I guess since I take so many pictures, I work around a lot of interviewers and jounlist so picked up so habits She smiled looking at him. | | 
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | |  | Ryan look at her thinking of what she said then says Ryan Burgess: I see. What are you planning to do after work? I would like to take u out to dinner. Ryan look at her as he take a sip again from his drink then look at her with a smile Ryan Burgess: If not then I would like to spend more time with you then. | |  | |
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| Jesse looked at him as she smiled softly Jesse: That sounds nice and all, but I have a lot of work to do, and I still need to talk to other stars yet and get pictures.. | | 
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | |  | Ryan look at her as he hears what she said then says Ryan Burgess: Okay, It's was nice to meet you by the way. If you need anything call me on my cell or stop in my dressing room. Ryan writes out his cell number as he hand it to her | |  | |