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 |  | Fancy looks around as she didn't have much to do it was a slow day and everything was quiet so she was looking around in the fitting room, she was looking at all the pretty clothings.. Fancy: Oh so pretty.. She looked at him as she smiled softly playing with some of the sparkly clothing as she wished she could wear some of that... She knew that she wasn't made for it or really as pretty as the other girls.. Fancy: It won't hurt.. She smiled as she took one of the outfits as she went and put it on. she then went looking at her self as she spoon around a bit giggling some as she liked how she looked in it as she glittered and shined with it on.. | | |  | |
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| Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it. | | Name: ??? People: ??? Woman: ??? OOC: ??? TBCB: ??? | | | | Tyson stood in the doorway watching her and smiled. Tyson: Very beautiful and sexy. | | | This masterpiece was made by me. I'll let you have it if you ask me nicely. | | | | | |
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 |  | She jumped as he had startled her as she blushed looking at him covering herself a bit as she smiled shyly... Fancy: Oh thank you.. I was just playing a bit, i was bored.. I probably should take this off though.. She said as she went looking around for her own clothes. | | |  | |
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| Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it. | | Name: ??? People: ??? Woman: ??? OOC: ??? TBCB: ??? | | | | Tyson walked toward her and smiled. He took her hands moving them so she was no longer covering herself. Tyson: Don't ever hide yourself from me, Fancy. I love looking at you. | | | This masterpiece was made by me. I'll let you have it if you ask me nicely. | | | | | |
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| Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it. | | Name: ??? People: ??? Woman: ??? OOC: ??? TBCB: ??? | | | | He walked around her looking her over completely. Tyson: Let's take this outfit back to our room. | | | This masterpiece was made by me. I'll let you have it if you ask me nicely. | | | | | |
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 |  | Fancy looked at him as she was a bit confused as to why he wanted her to take the outfit back to their room but she nodded her hea.d. Fancy: Alright love.. She said as she was more than willing to do as he wanted. | | |  | |
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| Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it. | | Name: ??? People: ??? Woman: ??? OOC: ??? TBCB: ??? | | | | He took her hand and smiled then leaned down kissing her softly. Tyson: I love you. | | | This masterpiece was made by me. I'll let you have it if you ask me nicely. | | | | | |
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 |  | Fancy looked up at him as she smiled softly.. Fancy: I love you, Tyson.. She smiled as she pulled him down kissing him again as she giggled a bit as she was starting to get a little bolder with him. | | |  | |
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| Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it. | | Name: ??? People: ??? Woman: ??? OOC: ??? TBCB: ??? | | | | He slid his arm around her waist and smiled. Tyson: Back to our room? | | | This masterpiece was made by me. I'll let you have it if you ask me nicely. | | | | | |
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 |  | She nodded as they then went on to walk out of there and over a bit to there room as she smiled walking in as he held the door for her Fancy: thank you love She said as she wallked in smiling | | |  | |
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| Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it. | | Name: ??? People: ??? Woman: ??? OOC: ??? TBCB: ??? | | | | He smiled and shut the door behind them. He pointed to the table with the candles and dinner waiting for them. Tyson: I hope you are hungry. | | | This masterpiece was made by me. I'll let you have it if you ask me nicely. | | | | | |
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 |  | Fancy smiled softly as she looked at him.. and then back at the table he had set up for them.. Fancy: Oh Tyson, its beautiuful, and i am hungry She said smiling softly | | |  | |
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| Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it. | | Name: ??? People: ??? Woman: ??? OOC: ??? TBCB: ??? | | | | Tyson: All it is is spaghetti with meatballs and garlic bread. Edward and Keeley made dinner. He led her over to the table and held the chair for her. | | | This masterpiece was made by me. I'll let you have it if you ask me nicely. | | | | | |
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 |  | She walked over kissing him before she sat down Fancy: Its still beautiful thank you She said happily | | |  | |
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