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 | Marlena had been hiding in the fitting room for a bit, she had seen her husband walk in walking around, looking for her and for his kids, she had seen a few and had left hidden notes for them that she knew they would find, she just hoped it wasn't too late for them.. ||Marlena|| He needs help.. She said as she gripped the locket he had bought her with his picture in it, holding it close to her as she loved him, but she couldnt' let him do this, knowign that it wasn't right..She then after it was clear made her way out as she went looking for his children to warn them.. | |  | |
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 | She yelled out when he slapped her as she moved away from him, stunned and hurt that he had slaped her as she didn't even look at him. {Marlena} Stay away from me.. She said when she noticed he was moving closer to her, as she moved back away from him again, not wanting to be near him, espeacilly after he had just slapped her. | |  | |
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Warning: What you are about to read is bound to be full of sex, violence, or both. If you don't think you can handle it, leave now. If you read on, and become concerned for my mental health, rest assured that I am just as demented as I seem. | | Title: Insert Here Characters: Insert Here Loved: Insert Here Hated: Insert Here Works For: Insert Here Current Goal: Insert Here OOC: Insert Here TBCB: Insert Here | He slapped her again then glared at her. Joseph: You of all people know better than to speak to me that way. | Disclaimer: This layout and banner was made for Joseph Carpelli by Demented Mind at Layouts-R-Us. If you want one, just ask for one. | |
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 | She fell this time when he slapped her as she moved away in the corner. {Marlena} That was before i knew you were a monster, and that you didn't even really love me.. She said as she was cured up there in the corner crying as she was just wanting to crawl in a hole and die. | |  | |
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Warning: What you are about to read is bound to be full of sex, violence, or both. If you don't think you can handle it, leave now. If you read on, and become concerned for my mental health, rest assured that I am just as demented as I seem. | | Title: Insert Here Characters: Insert Here Loved: Insert Here Hated: Insert Here Works For: Insert Here Current Goal: Insert Here OOC: Insert Here TBCB: Insert Here | He looked at her and laughed. Joseph: Not love you? I never would have married you if I didn't love you. | Disclaimer: This layout and banner was made for Joseph Carpelli by Demented Mind at Layouts-R-Us. If you want one, just ask for one. | |
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 | She looked upa at him as he was laughing at her as she then just looked away , not saying anything as she just sat there int he corner.. She was upset and hurt, as she just wanted all this to go away.. After a bit she then started to talk. {Marlena} What are you going to do with me now? | |  | |
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Warning: What you are about to read is bound to be full of sex, violence, or both. If you don't think you can handle it, leave now. If you read on, and become concerned for my mental health, rest assured that I am just as demented as I seem. | | Title: Insert Here Characters: Insert Here Loved: Insert Here Hated: Insert Here Works For: Insert Here Current Goal: Insert Here OOC: Insert Here TBCB: Insert Here | He looked at her and grinned. Joseph: I'm going to get you pregnant just like I'm supposed to do. | Disclaimer: This layout and banner was made for Joseph Carpelli by Demented Mind at Layouts-R-Us. If you want one, just ask for one. | |
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 | Marlena looked at him shocked when he said that {Marlena} What.. but why? | |  | |
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Warning: What you are about to read is bound to be full of sex, violence, or both. If you don't think you can handle it, leave now. If you read on, and become concerned for my mental health, rest assured that I am just as demented as I seem. | | Title: Insert Here Characters: Insert Here Loved: Insert Here Hated: Insert Here Works For: Insert Here Current Goal: Insert Here OOC: Insert Here TBCB: Insert Here | He rolled his eyes and looked at her. Joseph: We are married. We've fucked many times. Don't act so damn shocked. | Disclaimer: This layout and banner was made for Joseph Carpelli by Demented Mind at Layouts-R-Us. If you want one, just ask for one. | |
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 | She looked at him when he said that. {Marlena} But we never talked about having kids, you said you didn't want anymore.. She said as she got up going to move, not likiing how he had changed. {Marlena} I don't want to have kids.. She said, more not wanting tohave his, not after all of this.. | |  | |
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Warning: What you are about to read is bound to be full of sex, violence, or both. If you don't think you can handle it, leave now. If you read on, and become concerned for my mental health, rest assured that I am just as demented as I seem. | | Title: Insert Here Characters: Insert Here Loved: Insert Here Hated: Insert Here Works For: Insert Here Current Goal: Insert Here OOC: Insert Here TBCB: Insert Here | He grabbed her pulling her against him. Joseph: You don't have any choice. | Disclaimer: This layout and banner was made for Joseph Carpelli by Demented Mind at Layouts-R-Us. If you want one, just ask for one. | |
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 | Marlena looked at him as she gasped a bit, as she knew she loved him, she wouldn't fight him, as she looked at him, she then lowered her head as she nodded. {Marlena} I'll do anything you want. if you want me pregnant, then fine... | |  | |
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Warning: What you are about to read is bound to be full of sex, violence, or both. If you don't think you can handle it, leave now. If you read on, and become concerned for my mental health, rest assured that I am just as demented as I seem. | | Title: Insert Here Characters: Insert Here Loved: Insert Here Hated: Insert Here Works For: Insert Here Current Goal: Insert Here OOC: Insert Here TBCB: Insert Here | He tilted her face up and kissed her softly. Joseph: Thank you, my dear. | Disclaimer: This layout and banner was made for Joseph Carpelli by Demented Mind at Layouts-R-Us. If you want one, just ask for one. | |
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Warning: What you are about to read is bound to be full of sex, violence, or both. If you don't think you can handle it, leave now. If you read on, and become concerned for my mental health, rest assured that I am just as demented as I seem. | | Title: Insert Here Characters: Insert Here Loved: Insert Here Hated: Insert Here Works For: Insert Here Current Goal: Insert Here OOC: Insert Here TBCB: Insert Here | He slid his arms around her deepening the kiss. Joseph: I love you, Marlena. You know I don't say that to anybody. | Disclaimer: This layout and banner was made for Joseph Carpelli by Demented Mind at Layouts-R-Us. If you want one, just ask for one. | |
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 | Marlena looked up athim when he said that as she was thinking about it, it still hurt when she saw him, fucking Jan, but she nodded her head.. She knew that she lvoed him, she couldn't help it.. she did, he had her heart. {Marelena} I love you, too.. | |  | |