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| Melina was the last of the divas still at the arena, she was in the shower after her match, she was a bit sore, but feeling pretty good, she had defeated Beth and knew it couldn't get much better than that.. She still coudnt belive that they had a show in a porn studiow. {Melina} Shows you how desperate Vince is... Sure the guys loved it though.. She was laughing a bit as she was thinking about it, She then after a bit turned off the shower, as she was reaching for her towel she heard a noice as she looked around a bit. {Melina} Hello? She said as she looked around, not knowing there anyone was still here. | | 
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| Melina looked up at him laughing a bit as she shook her head as she laid there next to him thinking about it.. {Melina} I don't think any of will be wresting anytime soon.. | | 
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 | He laughed agreeing with her. Martin: We both have recovering to do. | |  | |
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| Melina nodded as she looked at him, as she laid there next to him, she knew that he was going to be otu longer than she woujld and had more physcal injures than she did, but she was scared mentaly by being drugged and raped by someone she worked with.. As she just clsoed her eyes holding onto him. {Melina} I'm glad i'm here with you. | | 
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 | He looked at her and smiled. Martin: So am I. I'm hoping that we can move ahead in our relationship. | |  | |
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| She looked at him when he said that a bit shocked but smiled as she was thinking about it, she really liked him, and liked what he said {Melina} I would like that. | | 
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 | He kissed her softly. Martin: I have been so crazy about you for so long now. | |  | |
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| Melina looked at him as she smiled softly, she leaned against him kissing him back as she heard what he said as she was thinking about it {Melina} I have been crazy about you for a long time too, but I didn't think you were really all that interested. | | 
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 | He smiled softly at her. Martin: I picked on you so bad because I was interested and didn't want the other guys to razz me about it. | |  | |
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| Melina laughed a bit as she looked at him as she heard what he said. {Melina} So does this mean you're sitll gonna pick on me at the arena when you get bck, and able to really kick some ass. | | 
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 | He nodded and smiled softly. Martin: Yeah, but I'm also going to let everybody know that I love you. | |  | |
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| She looked at him as she smiled osftly as she was thihnking about evrything, she then looked at him a moment being serious with him. {Melina} Would you mind staying with me for a bit, I dont' want to be alone, Ill go with you anyplace if you rather, but I rather be with you than anyone else, She asked as she looked at him waiting to see what he was going to say. | | 
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 | He looked at her and smiled. Martin: Only place I'm going is to the bathroom. And unless you plan to hold it for me, I'll go there on my own then be straight back with you. | |  | |
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| She looked at him laughing as she shook her head a bit. {Melina} You know what i mean, i'm talking about when were both out of here, i won't leave unless you are, I was hoping you would stay at my house.. She said looking at him. | | 
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 | He nodded and kissed her. Martin: Wouldn't dream of leaving you alone. | |  | |
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| She smiled looking at him as she was happy to hear that, she wasn't wanting to be alone and loved the idea of being with him. {Melina} Thank you, Martin, she smiled as she kissed him softly | | 
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