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 | OOC: Whatever you want here | |  | Bella didn't know that Melina had been rushed ot the hospital as she had been looking around for her sister, but she wasn't having any luck finding her, she walked around a bit, as she knew that she wasn't suppose to be in the porn part . {Bella} Hmm, where are you Melina. She said as she was looking around, but found herself wandering a bit, not realizing where she was going.. | |  | |
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| //Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | 
| ~{Liam O'Connor}~My thoughts here | Liam saw Bella come in looking for her sister and grinned. He could get them both in one night. How wonderful. He ran up behind her and jabbed her with the needle in the ass since he couldn't really reach much higher. | Blood Passions made for Liam O'Connor and his use only...Don't steal this.. It isn't right and you could easiy have one of your own so why be so lame.. | | | |
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 | OOC: Whatever you want here | |  | Bella yelled out jumping a bit shocked and confused, as she started to feel really weak, as she held onto the wallk and then a near by table to try to stay up.. {Bella} What.. why. She siad as she saw the litle man as she started to go down. | |  | |
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 | Ricky had forgotten something and was heading back to the lockerroom when he saw what was going on. He grabbed Liam and held him in the air then looked down at Bella. Ricky: You only wish your pinprick dick could do the job. He tossed the midget away then leaned down picking up Bella. Ricky: You alright? | |  | |
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 | OOC: Whatever you want here | |  | She leaned against him as he was carrying her, she raised her head up a bit, as she looked at him. {Bella} I feel strange...hot.. what happening.. I feel hot. She said as she was burning up not liking how she was feeling at all.. | |  | |
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 | He took her into one of the offices and laid her down. Ricky: I think the leprachaun drugged you. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Whatever you want here | |  | Bella nodded as she remembered the needle he jabbed in her ass, {Bella} He jabbed me with a needle, right here. She said moving as she pulled her pants down a bit to show him the red spot as she was feeling really strange. | |  | |
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 | He leaned down and kissed the spot softly. Ricky: I'm sorry, Bella. If I knew you were going to be here, I would have stayed around waiting for you. Then this wouldn't have happened. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Whatever you want here | |  | She looked at him shocked he head kissed the spot on her butt as she giggled a bit as seh moved looking at him. {Bella} You kissed my butt. She said as she was still feeling strange, but smiled as she looked at him. | |  | |
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 | He looked at her and smiled. Ricky: When we were dating I dreamed about doing alot more to your butt than just kissing it. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Whatever you want here | |  | Bella looked at him when he said that. {Bella} Oh, and what where you want to do to my butt? She looked at him curiously wondeirng what he was wanting to do.. | |  | |
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 | He looked at her and shook his head. Ricky: Now is not the time to get those thoughts in my head again. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Whatever you want here | |  | She smiled as she looked at him, she moved taking off her shirt feeling hot as she just couldn't help it as she looked at im . {Bella} Why not, we always talked before, anytime is good time, isn't that what you always sya. She siad as she moved even taking her pants off as she was panting unable to help it as she didn't understand waht was wrong with her. | |  | |
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