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 | |  | Oh wow was this ever looking good.. Taylor was going to have the story of a century, her editor was gong to love her.. {Taylor Sweet} Oh god this is great, a cult with in the porn world, I can see the headlines now, this sory is ging to have me set for life. She grinned as she was taking snap shots of what she had seen she had even manged to senak in and out a few different times as she was getting ready to leave now, but knowing that she wasnt' going to be having to come back... "Take me or leave me alone The gooder they come, the harder they fall Turn around you are a nasty joke Yeah, we all laugh oh, hah, what a gas! Watching you chew on the bones In the morning light you didnt look so nice Guess youd better hitch hike home."- 'White lightning and Wine''- Heart | |  | |
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 | He stopped moving letting her get used to him. Once he felt her relaxing he started moving again. Mark: You'll be my wife and we'll be good together. | |  | |
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 | |  | She was moaning out softly as she held onto him, she then heard what he said a she was confused, but didn't really reject the idea, she did feel good right now with him, and she could tell that he was feeling good too. so maybe thats what he meant, but getting married.. {Taylor Sweet} What.. get married? "Take me or leave me alone The gooder they come, the harder they fall Turn around you are a nasty joke Yeah, we all laugh oh, hah, what a gas! Watching you chew on the bones In the morning light you didnt look so nice Guess youd better hitch hike home."- 'White lightning and Wine''- Heart | |  | |
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 | He nodded and smiled. Mark: Married. Me and you. Husband and wife. And eventually...soon...little people too. | |  | |
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 | |  | Taylor looked at him when he said that. {Taylor Sweet} You want to have children with me... but why me.. She said as she never really thought of herself as much, i mean she was a mess running around getting these stories so she wasn't really taking care of herself that well, and god knows the last time she had her hair and make up done.. "Take me or leave me alone The gooder they come, the harder they fall Turn around you are a nasty joke Yeah, we all laugh oh, hah, what a gas! Watching you chew on the bones In the morning light you didnt look so nice Guess youd better hitch hike home."- 'White lightning and Wine''- Heart | |  | |
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 | He looked at her and smiled. Mark: Because you like fucking me. I like fucking you. And I've fallen madly in love with you while watching you and the pussy boy. | |  | |
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 | |  | Taylor gasped as she looked at him. He was madly in love with her, she was shocked to hear that and didn't reightly know what to say. {Taylor Sweet} You've been watching me... but I haven't seen you before today. She said as she didn't recall him ever watching her before, as she had been pretty much all over this place, top to bottom, and most of it she traveld alone as Danny didn't want to risk it, and he had gone his own way to find his girl. "Take me or leave me alone The gooder they come, the harder they fall Turn around you are a nasty joke Yeah, we all laugh oh, hah, what a gas! Watching you chew on the bones In the morning light you didnt look so nice Guess youd better hitch hike home."- 'White lightning and Wine''- Heart | |  | |
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 | He nodded and pointed to the video camera in the room. Mark: I've been in the hidden security room watching. | |  | |
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 | |  | She blushed seeing the camera on them as she was glad right now that she was under him, as she was a bit shy for it, but then it hit her, they had known they were there all along, they ahd been playing with them, letting them think that they getting good evidnce.. {Taylor Sweet}You know I was here the whole time. Why did you wait until now to do anything? She asked curious. "Take me or leave me alone The gooder they come, the harder they fall Turn around you are a nasty joke Yeah, we all laugh oh, hah, what a gas! Watching you chew on the bones In the morning light you didnt look so nice Guess youd better hitch hike home."- 'White lightning and Wine''- Heart | |  | |
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 | He grinned thinking about it. Mark: I enjoyed the game. Hide and seek. It was kind of fun. | |  | |
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 | |  | Taylor looked at him when he said that as she found herself smiling a bit as she looked at him. She moved her hands over his chest as she was leaned up kissing him, she didn't care if this shoudlnt' be right, it felt so good to her. "Take me or leave me alone The gooder they come, the harder they fall Turn around you are a nasty joke Yeah, we all laugh oh, hah, what a gas! Watching you chew on the bones In the morning light you didnt look so nice Guess youd better hitch hike home."- 'White lightning and Wine''- Heart | |  | |
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 | He rolled over pulling her ontop of him. He held her waist moving her up and down on him slowly. Mark: Now it's your turn. | |  | |
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 | |  | She maoaned out when she came down on him as he moved her, she then after a bit started to move up and down on her own, as she got the hang of it.. {Taylor} Oh god, this feels so good. She said as she moved a bit faster and harder as she was loving how he felt and how he made her feel. | |  | |
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 | He reached up rubbing her breasts. He leaned up kissing her. Mark: Feel free to try anything you'd like. I'm sure I'll enjoy it. | |  | |
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 | |  | She moaned out feeling his hands on her breast as she looked down at him smiling softly as she didn't really know to much. {Taylor} Like what? She wasn't sure what to try as she had never done this before. | |  | |