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| .::. Out Of Character Comment: .::. | Fancy had been waiting for a long time to see the one in charge, but now she was being told that she wouldnt' be seeing him today as she just stood there now as she wasn't sure what to do, she was given a script and a room to stay in, and then told to find a co star to go over the lines with... Fancy: But I dont' know anyone here... She sighed a bit as she thought about it, she was all new in this, but was wanting to do this, she had made a promise that she'd give a try so now she was walking around looking for someone to go over the script with hoping to find someone who would want to do this with her, if they worked here or what not.. . | | | This layout was made by Claire; Suffering.In.Silence at Layouts-R-Us for Christina. | | | | | | |
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| .::. Out Of Character Comment: .::. | Fancy smiled up as she looked at him... Fancy: I love you Tyson | | | This layout was made by Claire; Suffering.In.Silence at Layouts-R-Us for Christina. | | | | | | |
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| Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it. | | Name: ??? People: ??? Woman: ??? OOC: ??? TBCB: ??? | | | | He pulled the blanket away from her body and smiled down at her. Tyson: You are so beautiful. You can do so much better than me. | | | This masterpiece was made by me. I'll let you have it if you ask me nicely. | | | | | |
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| .::. Out Of Character Comment: .::. | Fancy looked at him when he said that, she pulled him closer to her as she kissed him deeply, she didn't even think about anyone else.. Fancy: You are better than any man I've ever seen, I love you and I want only you, there isnt' anyone better for me.. She said as she looked him in the eyes. | | | This layout was made by Claire; Suffering.In.Silence at Layouts-R-Us for Christina. | | | | | | |
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| Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it. | | Name: ??? People: ??? Woman: ??? OOC: ??? TBCB: ??? | | | | He moved over her and slowly slid into her. He wanted her to see how slow and gentle making love could be. Tyson: I won't hurt you, again. I promise. | | | This masterpiece was made by me. I'll let you have it if you ask me nicely. | | | | | |
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| .::. Out Of Character Comment: .::. | Fancy gasped feeling him slide into her she held onto him as it felt so good as sheheld onto him moaning out. She looked at him as she smiled softly Fancy:I trust you Tyson.. She said honestly as she looked at him, beliving that he would never hurt her | | | This layout was made by Claire; Suffering.In.Silence at Layouts-R-Us for Christina. | | | | | | |
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| Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it. | | Name: ??? People: ??? Woman: ??? OOC: ??? TBCB: ??? | | | | He kissed her tenderly then looked down into her eyes. Tyson: This is how it should always be. | | | This masterpiece was made by me. I'll let you have it if you ask me nicely. | | | | | |
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| .::. Out Of Character Comment: .::. | She looked at him as seh smiled she remembered though how it felt from before after she got use to it, and she had watched some others as well.. She moved as she got him before he could react as she put him on his back It took her a moment as she was trying to remember how it was done as she moved coming down on him as she she gasped... Fancy: Oh! She said as she felt him a whole new way, as she was wanting to make sure he felt as good as he made her feel | | | This layout was made by Claire; Suffering.In.Silence at Layouts-R-Us for Christina. | | | | | | |
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| Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it. | | Name: ??? People: ??? Woman: ??? OOC: ??? TBCB: ??? | | | | He put his hands on her waist moving her and smiled softly. Tyson:Feels good doesn't it, baby? | | | This masterpiece was made by me. I'll let you have it if you ask me nicely. | | | | | |
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| .::. Out Of Character Comment: .::. | Fancy looked at him as she moved on him as she grinded on him...a bit after he showed her how as she was really into this... Fancy: Oh yes I love this.... This feels amazing... You feel amazing... | | | This layout was made by Claire; Suffering.In.Silence at Layouts-R-Us for Christina. | | | | | | |
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| Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it. | | Name: ??? People: ??? Woman: ??? OOC: ??? TBCB: ??? | | | | He smiled happy that she was enjoying herself so much. Tyson: There's still so much for you to learn. | | | This masterpiece was made by me. I'll let you have it if you ask me nicely. | | | | | |
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| .::. Out Of Character Comment: .::. | She looked at him as she wanted to learn more know more as she moved up and down on him as she moaned out... Fancy: I want to learn more... Teach me More... She said as she looked at him | | | This layout was made by Claire; Suffering.In.Silence at Layouts-R-Us for Christina. | | | | | | |
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| Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it. | | Name: ??? People: ??? Woman: ??? OOC: ??? TBCB: ??? | | | | He looked at her and smiled. Tyson: In time, love. We have the rest of our lives to learn. | | | This masterpiece was made by me. I'll let you have it if you ask me nicely. | | | | | |
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| .::. Out Of Character Comment: .::. | Fancy looked at him as she smiled softly nodding her head.. Fancy: I want to learn how to pleace you I want to make you feel good, as good as you make me feel, I want to make you happy | | | This layout was made by Claire; Suffering.In.Silence at Layouts-R-Us for Christina. | | | | | | |
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| Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it. | | Name: ??? People: ??? Woman: ??? OOC: ??? TBCB: ??? | | | | He pulled her head down kissing her softly. Tyson: You already make me happy. Just you being here with me makes me happier than I ever expected to be. | | | This masterpiece was made by me. I'll let you have it if you ask me nicely. | | | | | |
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| .::. Out Of Character Comment: .::. | She looked at him as she smiled when he said that, she leaned down once again as she kissed him with all the love that she had, she put everything into the kiss... Fancy: I love you Tyson | | | This layout was made by Claire; Suffering.In.Silence at Layouts-R-Us for Christina. | | | | | | |