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| Sydney walked around as she was checking making sure that everything was the way it should be.. Now with Stephen dead her work was more than it usually was and she just didnt' have time for any fun anymore... She sighed a bit as she watched the other couples and even the porn stars just having a good old time.. ||Syndey|| Some people just have all the luck... She said as she turned around and started to make her way back to her office as she was seeing if she had any other work to do today or if she was finally done for the day... | | 
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| As Sydney turned the last stretch of hallway befoire her offices, she saw a young man standing at the edge of a set looking on as a young couple did a raunchy sex scene. He looked to be in awe and she could tell immediately he didnt belong here. She approached him slowly and cleared her throat as he looked up at her as she said ... Sydney Can i help you with something? All the sets are closed and if you dont work here then your trespassing. He looked up at her and smiled slightly as he hands her a letter. Kendrick I....I won the contest and earned the right for a test shot for one of your movies. I just dont have a lue what to do next. He said honestly | | 
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| Sydney looked at him as she smirked a bit hearing what he said, she had no idea of any contest, most likely something that Stephen had planned as she thought about it.. ||Sydney|| Well there are many movies in production, I guess the question is, just who do you want to fuck? She smirked looking at him waiting to see what he was going to say. | | 
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| Kendrick Well that was pretty much to the point! Sydney I dont mince my words! I tell things like it is! Kendrick A good quality in a woman. When she says whats on her mind! Sydney I'm glad you approve, now enough about me . Do you have anyone in mind? Kendrick Actually I didnt think the contest gave me a choice. I thought it was whoever I got, I got so i hadnt really thought about it! Sorry! He answered truthfully | | 
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Sydney stood there as she listened to him talk as she nodded her head.. ||Sydney|| Well we have a lot of girls for you to choose from, some famous, some rising stars, and others just getting started. She said as she smiled looking at him. ||Syndey|| Why dont' you walk around a bit and think about it, go meet some of the girls and see which is most appealing or seems to be most fun for you, then we'll go from there? She said as she was thinking about it, wondering what he thought about her idea. | |  | |
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| He listened to her intensely, hanging on her every word. He still couldnt believe that he had his choice. He was going to be like a little kid in a candy shop. It was going to be a veery hard choice with so many sexy women to select from. He would have to go and talk to alot of them and then select his flavor of choice. Kendrick I thank you Ma'm. I still cant believe I get to select my own girl. I will have to consider them all carefully as i meet them as there are so many that I like in the mainstream and yet, maybe a rising star would be fgood as well. I thank you for all your help. But um..what do i do now? Just walk around and introduce myself? He watched her as he waited for an answer, watchin her volumptious chest rise and fall.
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Sydney looked at him as she nodded her head smiling softly ... ||Sydney|| Yep thats about it, walk around a bit, get to know the area, talk to the stars and get to know them a bit, and then see which you would really like to work with.. She said smiling softly as she was thinking about it... She didn't think he was going to have any problems walking around | |  | |
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 | Kendrick looked her over as he licked his lips and then started talking once again. Kendrick Well thank you very much for your time. I've taken up enough of it so if your througfh with me, I'll be on my way! She looked at him. Sydney I guess we have concluded our business. Her eyes travel over his body. Kendrick Then I guess I'll be seeing you around ! He smiled wickedly at her. | |  | |
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