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Carli was busy cleaning up her area as she was done for the day, she was putting her make up stuff away and was cleaning up the area... ||Carli|| Not a bad day. She said as she thought about it, as she was at least a little busy today.. | | 
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//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | | He sighed heavily. Brody you know, your right. I'm just a failure. Thanks anyways! He turns and walks towards the exit, not really knowing what he was going to do now. He didnt want to work the sets and stuff, he wanted to be a star, but he always knew his shyness would ruin him. He kicked the door open and walked out, plopping down against the wall outside. Brody Never should have left the farm. He shakes his head as he tries to figureout whats next when he looks up and sees two sexy legs in front of him. He looks up and the make up girl is standing there . Brody Im sorry , did you want some money for the time you wasted talking to me ? He looked like a little abandoned puppy someone kicked to the curb. | | Candy Kisses Made as a freebie.. This layout is free for anyone to use, but please do not go and claim it as your own... This layout was made at Layouts R
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| OOC: Type whatever you'd like here to the person you're rping to. |
She moved as she leaned against the wall as she stood next to him. ||Carli|| No I dont' want any money.. but whats so bad working backstage for now? I mean until you get use to and comfortalbe to people.... A lot of porn stars start off that way, I know Candice did, and well its pretty much waht she does now. She said as she looked at him. | | 
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//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | | He doesnt even look at her now. Brody I have to be a star. Everyone i know condenmened me for leaving home. They laughed at me and said there was no way I'd ever make it on my own. I need to prove myself to them.I need to make them eat their words. Carli You could alwayts work your way up to it. Brody no I cant. i cant even look at you, your far too beautiful and I'm lucky i've said mre then 10 words to you .I wasnt cut out for the city. I should just go back home.He glances sideways and sees her sexy legs as shes leaning beside him. He swalows hard. | | Candy Kisses Made as a freebie.. This layout is free for anyone to use, but please do not go and claim it as your own... This layout was made at Layouts R
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| OOC: Type whatever you'd like here to the person you're rping to. |
Carli looks at him seeing how he was acting as she then just moved infront of him making him stand up right as she forced him to look at her... She then moved kissing him, as she felt him freeze a moment, but she was slow and worked it, and then worked with him as he then started to kiss her back, he got the hang of it and was soon kissing her back like a pro as she then moved back smiling softly ||Carli|| See, that wasn't too hard, You need to have some faith in yourself, if its something you want to do then you have to try it, just work at it first instead of just jumping in for the first time. She said as she smiled softly as she hoped he understood what she meant as she saw him looking at her as she was smiling softly looking at him. | | 
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//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | | Brody WOW! She thought she was going to have to pick hi jaw up off the floor as she giggled a little. She then reached up rubbing her lipstick into his lips. Carli And they say what doesnt kill you will make you stronger and hun, your still breathing! Brody Yeah! Um Wow! She giggled again. Then he surprised her as well as himself when he grabed her hips and kissed her this time.She offered no resistence as he was getting into this. They broke off the kiss a few minutes later. Carli Your a fast learner Brody I had a good teacher. He suddenly got himself an idea. Brody Will you coach me and help me get a little more daring? I can pay you for your time. it would mean so much to me if you could help me get over my shyness. | | Candy Kisses Made as a freebie.. This layout is free for anyone to use, but please do not go and claim it as your own... This layout was made at Layouts R
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| OOC: Type whatever you'd like here to the person you're rping to. |
She looked at him smiling softly as she thought about it for a moment as she then nodded her head, not minding helping him at all. ||Carli|| I don't mind helping you, and you dont' have to pay me anything, I can help you with everything but the sex part, I'm not a porn star because I"ve never had sex so I can't really help you there, but I know a lot of the girls wouldn't mind helping you once you're ready for that... She smiled softly looking at him. | | 
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//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | | He actually found himself looking at her timidly. His eyes however did travel over her body as he though about the whole sex part. Thinking hed love to be her first and thgen blushing without saying anything. Brody That would be very nice of you. he looks at her slightly . Brody I'm Brody by the way. Brody Garrison.... he extends his hand to her . | | Candy Kisses Made as a freebie.. This layout is free for anyone to use, but please do not go and claim it as your own... This layout was made at Layouts R
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| OOC: Type whatever you'd like here to the person you're rping to. |
Carli smiled as she took his hand shaking it.. ||Carli|| I'm Carli, Carli Sweet, its nice to meet you. She said smiling softly as she looked at him, as she didn't mind helping anyone out as she waited to see what he was going to say. | | 
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//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | | Brody looked at her. Brody So where do we start? Carli From the beginning. I'm surprised you ever had a date in your life as shy as you are. Brody I...I never have . She looked at him. Brody Too busy helping with the farm and such Myaa'm! Carli Wow . She thought to herself that if he never had a girlfriend then did he ever have ...hmm Brody Am i keeping you from your work? I dont want to get you fired or anything! he looked at her saying it honestly as he was concerened hed get her into trouble. | | Candy Kisses Made as a freebie.. This layout is free for anyone to use, but please do not go and claim it as your own... This layout was made at Layouts R
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| OOC: Type whatever you'd like here to the person you're rping to. |
Carli looked at him as she thought about it she shook her head hearing his question ||Carli|| No I wont' get in trouble, I have the rest of the night off so I can help you out. She said as she looked at him ||Carli|| If you never dated, I take it you never had sex either, and well that is one thing you'll have to take care of before you can even do a film here, No virgins... She said.. ||Carli|| But thats easy to take care of, so we'll worry abou that later.. She smiled softly looking at him. | | 
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//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | | He wondered what she meant by the sex would be easily taken care of later but he didnt ask. he was putting his trust in her. Brody Ok so would you like to go somewheres where we can work on things? Carli thought for a moment. she knew he was shyier then hell and didnt want to scare him off. So she thought about it. Wherever they were going to do this, it would have to be secluded where they wouldnt be bothered. Brody Or would you like to take tonight to figure out how your going to start with me? He stood looking at her wondering what she had in mind. | | Candy Kisses Made as a freebie.. This layout is free for anyone to use, but please do not go and claim it as your own... This layout was made at Layouts R
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| OOC: Type whatever you'd like here to the person you're rping to. |
She looks at him as she was thinking about it. ||Carli|| Hmm well we can go back to my room a bit, get to know each other and then go from there, I live right here anyways so its not like its far away. She laughed a bit looking at him. | | 
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//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | | He nodded his head in agreement and managd a small smile. Brody Do I have the kissing down or should i be working on it more? Carli smiles Carli Maybe later. You like kissing huh? Brody nods his head. Carli Your already good at it. Brody Shall we be on our way? | | Candy Kisses Made as a freebie.. This layout is free for anyone to use, but please do not go and claim it as your own... This layout was made at Layouts R
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| OOC: Type whatever you'd like here to the person you're rping to. |
Carli looked at him as she smiled softly nodding her head, she then went back getting her things as she then returend to him as she was ready to go. ||Carli|| I'm more than happy to get going, and get off my feet for a bit. She smiled looking at him, as she walked with him heading to her room. ||Carli|| Ok so here it is.. Home sweet home... She smiled softly as she looked at him. as he walked in looking around a bit.. | | 
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//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | | Brody looked around a bit as he smiled at her. Brody Nice place you have here. Carli Thank you. Its not much but its hom,e, atleast for now. Brody What, dont tell me the most beautiful girl on the lot is planning on leaving us? Carli That was really good Brody. Thank you for the compliment. He smiles and shrugs his shoulders. Brody So... now what? He asked as he plopped down on her couch. | | Candy Kisses Made as a freebie.. This layout is free for anyone to use, but please do not go and claim it as your own... This layout was made at Layouts R
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