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 | |  | Brock paced back and forth looking over his script. He was growing impatient as noone else was on the set yet. Although he had a habit of being early, he was addicted to sex, he wasnt accustomed to everyone else being late. He wasnt going to sweat it however, it just meant that he had more time to run his lines before the real actuion began. Brock Bartel Lets see.... In this scene, I am questioning her about the murder at the club....Ok here goes. ...... He starts running his lines out loud... Brock Bartel Tell me Miss Scarlett Smith, on the night of the murder, the camers show you leaving the building approximately 15 minutes after the murder of Mr. Body. Yet your statement said you had left hours before. How do you account for this? He looked up as a female voice reciets her lines perfectly..... | |  | |
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| Mickie stood there as she heard him, she knew her lines by heart now so she just smirked a bit as she said them. ||Mickie|| I told the officer who questioned me, I had returned once, that was to get something I left behind... She said as she looked at him. ||Mickie|| I went in, went back to the club and up to my office to get it, I then locked the door on the way out.. which if you watch the video more it shows me locking the door and leaving, not scared paniced or anything, i had no idea he was in there , or anyone else was. She said as she looked at him. | | 
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 | |  | Brock looks at her and smirks. Brock Bartell I'm glad to see I'm not the only one here! Thought I was going to have to rehearse by myself. Its refreshing to know that that wont be happening.Especially if i had to rehearse the action sequence by myself. He grins mischievously. Brock Bartel So would you like to run the lines from the beginning or you seem to have it down pat so if youd like to just chat and get aquainted until someone else shows up, thats fine too. He looked at her wondering what they should do | |  | | |
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| Mickie looked at him as she smiled... ||Mickie|| Well I know my lines by heart, but we have yet to actully work them together so it might be a good idea to see how we work together and work on our lines a bit.. She said as she thought about it, as she then looked to him, waiting to see what he thought about it. | | 
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 | |  | Brock shook his head. Brock Bartel Agreed! She walked the rest of the way onto the set. Taking the only seat there was there, a bed. Brock Bartel I guess we should start from the beginning. Mickie Its a really fine place to start! She smiled at him.And he returned her smile. Brock Bartel Ok, so the scene setting would be ........ They begin to run their lines as he finds himself checking her out every now and then. She was hot. There was no possible way to deny it. Brock Bartel ......Now,Miss Smith, we are going to be discussing the events of the night in question. Would you like to have your attorney present? He was following proceedure as if she was guilty, he didnt want her getting off on a technicallity. | |  | | |
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| She looked at him as she shook her head. ||Mickie|| I don't need my lawyer, I have done nothing wrong... she said as she looked at him. ||Mickie|| So go right ahead and ask your questions, you'll soon see that I'm innocent. She said as she looked at him. | | 
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 | |  | Brock paused for a moment as he did it for effect in the script. Brock Bartel Innocent? There is no such thing as innocence! Atleast in my line of work, I've never seen any! He started walking around the room. Walking in back of her and standing. She thought it was to intimidate her, but really, he was looking down her top at her volumptious breasts. Brock Bartel Ok, so prove to me your innocent. Tell me your story and make me belive it! He is standing directly in back of her so she cant see him. | |  | | |
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