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 | OOC: Whatever you want here | |  | Jade was running as she saw the preist behind her, she had went sneaking in the fence of the studio, she didn' t know what it was, all she knew was that she wasn't going back, she woldn't let that evil man catch her as she went on running, she didn't go int the builidng but went running behind it, and too another clarring, she saw another fence and was gonna stop but heard the priest yelling as she then snuck in... She went running again as she thens stopped frozing when she saw large dogs running at her as she went trying ot run from them but they jumped her knocking her down as she started to sream as he was trying to fight them off as they mauling at her as she was crying and fighting to not pass out as fear and pain was getting the best of her. | |  | |
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 | :*:Title:*: Here :*:OOC:*: Here | | He smiled then kissed her. Danny: Me eat you later. | |  | |
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 | :*:Title:*: Here :*:OOC:*: Here | | He realized she didn't understand what he was trying to say. Danny: I not say right. I show. He took the puppy from her and put it on the floor. He laid her back on the bed and smiled then buried his face in her pussy licking and sucking on her. | |  | |
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 | :*:Title:*: Here :*:OOC:*: Here | | He looked up at her and grinned. Danny: I eat you. He went back to her pussy. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Whatever you want here | |  | Jade arched a bit as she was moving closer as her hands were going thru his hair as she let out another soft moan as she was loving how he was making her feel.. {Jade Sweet} Oh, mmm feels so good. She moaned out again, loving how she was feeling right now... | |  | |
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 | :*:Title:*: Here :*:OOC:*: Here | | He moved up her body and looked down into her eyes. Danny: No more till married. | |  | |
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 | :*:Title:*: Here :*:OOC:*: Here | | He laid down beside her and reached over getting the puppy off the floor. He put it between them and smiled. Danny: Name? | |  | |
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 | :*:Title:*: Here :*:OOC:*: Here | | He thought about it then smiled. Danny: Harry. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Whatever you want here | |  | Jade nodded as she smiled softly as she looked at him... Nodding her head as she liked that as she rubbed the puppy's ear.. {Jade} Alright, Harry it is. She siad as she was thinking. {Jade} How did you know I was here? She looked curiuos, as she wasn't even sure wehre here was. | |  | |
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 | :*:Title:*: Here :*:OOC:*: Here | | Danny: Shannon tell me. He frowned a little. Danny: She not tell me what happen. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Whatever you want here | |  | She frowned as she was thinking about it, she knw that Shannon must have been that woman who helped her. {Jade} I dont think she knew, when I first woke up, she wasn't in here, it was only that priest... He was the only one here. he said he couldnt resister, he went from wanting to help me, thinking i was possed to raping me, said he couln't help it, he went running out of the room when he was done. She said as she frowned thinkning about it, as she felt just awful about it. | |  | |