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 | |  | Phoenix had been looking all over for the preist as she had no idea where to go she then spotted him as she got out of the car and ran after him, but he didn't hear her, adn then she had a bit of a dog issue, but got away from that with out being harmed at all, she then went looking for the man as she saw him outside of a room and he looked a bit shaken.. {Phoenix} Please tell me you didn't hurt the girl.. She said as she ran to him looking at him. {Phoenix} They lied to you.. She wasn't bad or possed... they only wanted her to be killed, she knew some information, that would get them arrested. she siad honestly. {Phoenix}She only ran away to save her life.. not because she had demons. Seh siad as she confusesed to the man as she was hoping he hadn't harmed her. | |  | |
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.warning. This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUALCONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | | .:The Title:.?? .:People Used:.??? .:My Sweetheart:.??? .:OOC:.??? | John grinned down at the two of them after he cummed. He pulled out and waved. John: You two can finish up in here. | Candy Kisses made for Christina and her use only.... Don't steal this layout if you need one just requestand one can be easly made for you.. | | |
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 | He looked down at her and smiled. Nicholas: I don't think we can remain priest and nun now. | |  | |
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 | |  | Phoenix nodded as she looked at him as she knew that he was right, she couldn't even think about never doing this again, right now , it was all that was on her mind, making love to Nicholas, as she had never felt like this, had never needed him so much as she was moaning out. She leaned back down as she was just loving this. After a moment he turned her around as she was on her back under him as she was holding onto him, kissing him as she raised up meeitng his thrusts, as she seemed to already know what to do as he did... {Phoenix} I don't think I could be a nun and live with out doing this again... I want o do this again with you...t hough.. She said as she coudlnt' think of anyone else, she didn't like that other man really touching her, but as soon as nick was touching her, she felt heat going thru her body, and pleasure going thru her. | |  | |
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 | Nicolas: I've been wanting to do this since you joined the convent. He looked down at her and grinned. Nicolas: I always pictured us doing it in a confessional booth though. | |  | |
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 | |  | She gasped as she looked at him hearing him say that as she blushed a bit thinking about it, but the drugs where coming in again as she then smirked as she thought about it. {Phoenix} Oh... that sounds... exciting... to bad we can't go back to do that. | |  | |
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 | He looked down at her and grinned. Nicholas: Who says we can't? | |  | |
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 | |  | She smirked as she looked at him, as she was loving this side of him.. {Phoenix} Oh, baby, I love how you think... She said as she leaned up nibbling on his lip a bit, | |  | |
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 | He grinned then groaned. Nicholas: You feel so good. We have to get married. | |  | |
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 | |  | She moaned out as she nodded her head, at this point she would do what ever he wanted her too, as she was loving how he was making her feel as she looked at him. {Phoenix} Yes, married... | |  | |
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 | He felt himself ready to cum and grabbed the blankets beside her. Nicholas: Oh holy shit. | |  | |
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 | |  | She felt her body starting to tremble as she held onto him, her nails digging in, as she felt her orgasm buidling up as she didn't know what it was as she yelled out. {Phoenix: Oh god! She yelled as she felt her orgasm going thru her body.. | |  | |
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 | He exploded inside of her as they both yelled out. He collapsed beside her. Nicholas: Damn. That was fucking amazing. | |  | |
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 | |  | She laid there panting a bit as she looked at hhim a they moved as she laid there besided him, she smiled when he pulled her closer as she nodded her head, {Phoenix} I never knew it would be like that, it was incredible, | |  | |