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| Susy had been hiding in the back as she was watching a bit... She bit her lip as she was sneaking glances a bit as she was curious, and figured this was the best way to learn about sex.. When the scne was over and they started to leave, Susy ran out as she hid in one of the vanact rooms so she wouldn't be seen... She had only better there to meet her father, who was a chemical guy there. but he was busy so she had been looking around a bit, but she had beenw atching a bit, but didn't want anyone to catch her.. | | 
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| She gasped out feeling him pinch her nipples.. {Susy} No, but I'm glad its happening, feels very good.... | | 
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 | :*:Title:*: Here :*:OOC:*: Here | | He pushed her back down and kept his hand on her back as he fucked her. Jonah: I love you, Susy. And I definately love fucking you. | | |
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| She yelled out as she was held down as she moaned out, as she pushed back against him as hee was pounding into her. {Susy} I love you too, and I love fucking, you make me feel so good, so alove, She said as she was being honest. | | 
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 | :*:Title:*: Here :*:OOC:*: Here | | He rolled over onto his back and pulled her ontop of him. He pounded up into her close to cumming already. Jonah: Wanna be a mom? | |  | |
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| She had her hands on his chest as she nodded hearing waht he said as she was wanting him to cum inside her, needing to feel him all inside of her as she was so close to her orgasm as she was trembling already but bounced up and down on him hard and fast... {Susy} Oh god.. She said as she growled out a bit as she felt her orgasm ripping thru her as she then yelled out her pleasure. | | 
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 | :*:Title:*: Here :*:OOC:*: Here | | He thrust up into her several more times before cumming. He pulled her down beside him and kissed her deeply. Jonah: Wow. | |  | |
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| She was still trembling a bit feeling a bit of pleasure tremors going thru her as she was loving this, her body was feeling so good as she kissed him back. {Susy} Mmm yeah wow.... | | 
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 | :*:Title:*: Here :*:OOC:*: Here | | He kissed her softly and smiled. Jonah: Catch our breath and maybe we can do it again. | |  | |
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| Susy gasped when he said that as she didn't even think ashe could move right now, but the way her body was feeling it was so worth it. {Susy} I don't think i can even move.. She giggled a bit as she was thinking about it. | | 
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 | :*:Title:*: Here :*:OOC:*: Here | | He pulled her closer cuddling with her. Jonah: You'll be fine in a little while. | |  | |
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| She smiled soflty as she cuddled there against him as she had her hand on his chest as she was rubbing it a bit. {Susy} I'm glad we did this... I don't know what i was so afraid of. It as the most incridble feeling I've ever experinced .. | | 
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 | :*:Title:*: Here :*:OOC:*: Here | | He thought about how good it felt and smiled. Jonah: I want to do it lots and lots. And then do it lots more. | |  | |
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| She looked at him as she smiled a bit as she thought about it.. {Susy} Mm that sounds really nice She laid there thinking. {Susy} It was a sex drug. She realized what she had breathed in.. {Susy} it made me feel more sexual than what i usualy was, but it made me not shy about my feelings and what i was wanting from you... I guess it took any thoughts of restranti away.. | | 
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 | :*:Title:*: Here :*:OOC:*: Here | | He looked at her and grinned. Jonah: That was a really good thing. | |  | |
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| Susy looked at him when he said that as she then smiled softly nodding her head as she agreed with him. {Susy} Yes it was. | | 
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