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Results Writers : Chaos Theory Results
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From: MSN Nickname_§y©k_  (Original Message)Sent: 8/22/2008 5:47 AM
- Main Event -
Draven & Jenny Bowen
Josh & Joey Drakmen
Stips: Evolution and THC Championship Belts.
Backstory: Both belts are on the line as Draven teams up with Jenny Bowen to take on Josh and Joey Drakmen. Will the Dark Carnival walk away with one of the belts or will the champions retain and prove why they are the champions they say they are? As an added bonus, this main event will consist of all weapons. No Countout, NO DQ, NO HOLDS BARRED Fight for both the THC and the Evolution Championship Belts.
Winners: Josh wins Evolution
Joey wins THC
- Match 5 -
Scott Addams vs Jimmy Stryker
Winner: Scott Addams
Reason: Jumping jesus on a pogo stick. and here ladies and gentlemen we have the biggest ego of the year award and it goes to none other then Scott adams. I havn't seen such blantant self pandering since the rock used to work wwe. and I mean this is in the face of the ego that is jimmy stryker so that is saying something. In the end I found the entire thing one big laugh fest, weather it was meant to be or not it turned out like two gigantic 8 year olds pulling hair and screaming at each other over a candy bar. it was alot like what you see on a kindergarten playground and neither man exactly covered himself with honor or dignity, however after all that is said and done. I'll say it, they both write a damn good rp I mean i personally found the whole thing kinda a childish version of one upsmanship that had very little coating. but you can't take anything away from teh actual writing ability. they took what coulda been stupid and boring and made it funny..although still stupid. however in the end I've got say the new guy takes it. Scott addams wins, but as his name say's he is not god...and the road he took to win this one proves that.
- Match 4 -
Kit Black vs Jeffrina Michelle Baxter
Stips: Extreme Icon Championship
Winner: Jeffrina Michelle Baxter
Reason: Jeffy, barely and I want to highlight that BARELY she flowed better and made her story fit together nicely however once again her focus was so broad most of the time that it left me wondering if she really did want the win. she wins but she better watch out cuz i smell a rematch. I hate good writers that get too caught up in a sl to worry about the matc. work your sl heavily in nc rp's or in sl matches, work your sl lightly in other matches.
- Match 3 -
Talon Hartman vs Jade vs Bethany Sorrow vs DSL
Winner: Talon Hartman
Reason: ok I want it known right off the bat that I am all for gratuitious sex in an rp. but if your gonna do it by god making the people reading it shy away in revulsion or in shame because they will never have sex that hot. I mean seriously i've written better sex scenes involving just my character by himself.... but moving on. Sorrow decided she was going to put forth only a little effort. hartman decided she was going to tell a story, the other two didn't rp. Hartman wins but it's a little bit sad because Sorrow is normally a good writer
- Match 2 -
Zach Halo vs James
Stips: Regular Bout
Winner: James
Reason: Where do I begin? So Zach Halo is making a name for himself... much like every other person out there. But what makes him very unique and different? The uniqueness is that the guy can cut a promo. So much that he qualifies to stay on Hangover. Different, not so much. We've all heard and seen it before. The last guy was good, Zach Halo is great, the next guy will be better. Who cares right? Just as long as Zach Halo steps into the ring every night and makes a name for himself here in BUD. James, is already a well established name in BUD. And to see him at the lower rung of the ladder was kind of unfamiliar. But its in the rulebook. What's not in the rule book is how you do an rp. I was confused with who the yellow bolded person was until the very end where I realized is his inner demon wanting to get out and beat the shit out of Zach Halo. That right there killed it. James had killed it from the very start by giving Zach the dvd to check him out. I do wanna say one thing though, for the record, when someone has two accounts, they should be forced to choose one account per character. I was looking for stuff for the Halo Factor and thought that this match was a sweeper. Then I read the rest of the rps and realized that he had posted one more. So I took that rp into consideration, but I still stand by my decision. James wins because his rp looked good, I actually knew who was talking and who was doing what.
- Match 1 -
Bella Donna vs Claudia Zachera
Winner: Bella Donna

Reason: claudia decided to go home and play with her butter bean so bella wins with a fine looking ass

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Sent: 8/22/2008 2:39 PM
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 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameвlаск•lавзl•ваиdіτ�?/nobr>Sent: 8/22/2008 2:40 PM
Hold the phone real quick, who won the Jeffy/Kit match now? I only see one roleplay for Jeffy, and if that was her only rp, then Kit definitely got screwed in this match. Jeffrina devoted a simple paragraph out of the entire roleplay to the match, while Kit spent her whole second roleplay rebutting everything in Jeffrina's. But then there's the fact that it was her second roleplay, and she had already done a first. If Jeffy did do a second roleplay, please tell me where it is, because I'm not seeing it.

and in the Halo/James match, declaring someone winner because their rp "looked good" seems a little out there. I'm not debating who won that match, just the reasonings.

That is all