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1 (12-oz) bag chocolate chips
1 stick (1/2 cup) margarine
1 cup peanut butter
1 tsp. vanilla
1 bag of small, colored marshmallows

Melt chocolate chips and butter in pan. Add the peanut butter and vanilla.
Cool enough that the marshmallows won't melt when stirred in. Add the
marshmallows. Place on parchment paper and shape into one large log or
several small ones. Roll up in the parchment paper and freeze for a couple
of hours. Slice.



1 (12-oz.) package semisweet chocolate chips
1 (16-oz). can chocolate frosting
2 cups miniature pastel marshmallows

Melt chocolate in large saucepan over low heat, stirring constantly until
smooth. Remove from heat. Stir in frosting. Fold in marshmallows. Let stand
15 minutes or until mixture is cool enough to handle.

Divide mixture in half. Pour onto sheet of plastic wrap, scraping mixture
from saucepan. Shape each half into a 9-by-2-inch log. Wrap tightly in waxed
paper; chill two hours or until firm.

With thin knife, cut log into 1/2-inch-thick slices.

Makes 36.


Serving Information

  • Serves:
  • Fat: g
  • Calories: