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CHEROKEE COUNTRY[email protected] 
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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCHEROKEEREBEL3  (Original Message)Sent: 10/29/2008 5:07 PM
I sent them a message telling them  NOT TO MOVE MY GROUP there in February. It looks way too complicated for me and I know ya'll will hate it.
I already got one message there from Lindy and she likes Yuku better.
I hate we have to go thru all this. I am gonna be moving all my pics to Yuku when ever I have spare time to do it.
I want simple, I am not into all that crap at Multiply.

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBiscuit97Sent: 10/29/2008 7:09 PM
So noted. 

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBiscuit97Sent: 10/29/2008 7:18 PM
For some reason my display name says biscuit.cherokeecountry, even when I am not
in CC.  Do you know how to get cherokee country off my name? 
I checked to see if there was an explanation of how you want your name displayed
and did not see anything.  It's differerent over there, that's for sure.

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCHEROKEEREBEL3Sent: 10/29/2008 8:04 PM
I will work on it when I get back from buying my brothers groceries. We might have to start over. LOL

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameISINGDIXIESent: 10/30/2008 1:45 AM
  Igot an e- mail that the group is moving to multiply.
I`m already there and  I`m lost so let me know when you decide to move where ever !

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