The Mobile Home. I am not saving it for Brooke. She is too young and irresponsible to take it over and I am losing money!!!!!
Rae Jean wants to pay rent every two weeks. October had 5 weeks and I got one damn payment! Tomorrow is November. I have to pay taxes,lot rent and insurance. I cleared a little over $2,000 on it last year. She flim flammed me out of $150 in September on the AC. She claims it was broke, had it fixed and gave me a bill on a piece of notebook paper from her ex son in law!
I talked to her yesterday and I told her that I thought since she has a job,her boyfriend makes$28 an hour,she gets $600 month child support.....that I could get the rent once a month on the first like normal folks. I said I thought Pete was gonna help you.....she said me too! So evidently he is a deadbeat.
I put the mobile home in the online and magazine version of the IWANTA.
I listed it for $5,000. I will send her a copy of the ad so she can have first shot at buying it. Her mother has money,maybe she will buy it for her.