We have been offered a HUGE sum for our business. Its over triple what we were thinking of asking some time back when we considered selling. But if we sell, we have to sign an agreement that we won't open a similar business within a 300 mile radius and we will have to move. Which means I'll have to leave my river that I love so much. But, we have been thinking about moving back to Ft Worth and maybe this is a nudge in that direction. But I won't move unless I can live on the water and lake front property up there is EXPENSIVE!!
I don't really know what to do. My parents have moved down here to be close. Tim's dad bought a house in this area to be close. This is the only area Jared has ever lived and we have lots of ties here. Moving over 300 miles is scary to me....but I did it when I was young.
But we may not be as successful up there as we are here and if we aren't - a big sum for the purchase won't make up for reduced income for too long a period. But with the price we've been offered, I'll have enough to buy a house up there without selling my river house here....but do I really want to keep this house and have the outlandish taxes and upkeep for a house so far from home.
I'm so confused. Ya'll say a prayer that we'll get clear direction on what to do.
We haven't even marketed our business. We were contacted by a company that handles business buyouts. I'd sell the business for the offer in a heartbeat if it didn't require us leaving the area - but it does and it really has me torn. Either that or we have to find a different type of business to go into and I have no idea what that would be.
I'm confused. Prayers for guidance would be appreciated.