You can help prevent shortness of breath and lung infections by keeping your lungs free of mucus. Controlled coughing (as is explained below) coughing in time with your breathing. Postural drainage (lying with your chest lower than your abdomen and Chest Percussion (lightly clamping your chest). These procedures can help loosen and expel excess mucus from your lungs. Drink plenty of fluids, this also helps to keep your mucus thin an easier to bring up.
Constant, uncontrolled coughing can wear you out and make you short of breath. Sitting in the correct position and using deep breathing can help you control coughing and remove more mucus more easily. Whenever you need to cough, repeat the exercises as shown below, until you bring up the excess mucus. Note* be sure to keep a box of tissues beside you.
1. Sit on a chair with both feet flat on the floor. Fold your arms across your upper abdomen. Take a slow deep breath through your nose and hold for 2 counts.
2. To Exhale, lean forward slightly and cough twice- 2 short sharp coughs. As you cough push your arms on your abdomen.
3. Relax for a few second. Then repeat steps 1 and 2 as needed.
Check with your doctor before trying the positions to proceed.
If you have a chronic mucus problem or increased muscus from infection, lying in a certain position allows gravity to drain excess mucus from your lungs. Find a position that is comfortable for you. You can lie on a bed or the floor using a pillow as show in the pictures below.
Maintain each position for at least 5 minutes. Always do postural drainage on an empty stomach, 30 minutes after using a bronchodilator.When you need to cough sit up and do controlled coughing.
BACK: To drain the front of your lungs, lie on a slanted surface so that your chest is lower than your hips. Place a small pillow under your head and 2 pillows under your knees. Lie with your knees bent over the pillows. Rest your arms at your sides and breathe using diaphragmatic breathing.
EACH SIDE: To drain the sides of your lungs, place a small pillow under your head and 2 or 3 pillows under your hips. Lie on one side, so that your chest is lower than your hips. Breathe using diaphragmatic breathing. After 5 to 10 minutes switch to the other side.
STOMACH: To drain the back of your lungs, place a small pillow under your head, put 2 or 3 pillows under your stomach. Kneel over the pillows, so that your chest is lower than your hips. rest your arms by your head and breathe using diamphragmatic breathing.
CHEST PERCUSSION: Using a cupped hand to lightly clap your chest and back also helps to loosen mucus. You can do this for yourself or have someone else do it for you. Ask your health care team where and how to clap to clear each part of your lungs. Being careful not to clap on your breastbone or spine. Women should not clap on their breast.