Hello Everyone.
I have had asthma since I was a child - the good thing is that it is well under control and has been for years.
My Hubby has been diagnosed with COPD, 2 years ago. I am his carer. He already had a serious back problem prior to that and had undergone spinal surgery. He can get around (slowly) but now with the COPD - with no Breath. Every little thing takes it out of him.
I have very recently ( this year) been diagnosed with Angina (had a small Heart attack a few weeks ago).
Also I have Pancreatic Enzyme Defficiency and Graves Disease.
At the moment all under control but being monitored as fairly new to me. Still attending Hospital for all of the above.
I feel totally overwhelmed by it all just now and finding it all too much to take in as I was never 'an ill person' as even my child hood asthma was nearly always under control - didnt even take colds or flu very often.
oh well 'cie las vie' as they say !!!