hi guys how are you all well i had my scan done and i have to see my doctot tomorrow but could not help myself s o i opened the xray reults up, and it says there is a band od opacity in the lingula, which is nonspecific and may represnt a area of atelectasis, scarring or collapse. there are some small mediastinal lymph nodes, the largest measuring approximately 1 cm, these may be reactive. then it went on to say how there was no focal lessions in my liver, and the spleen does not appear to be enlarged, and no adrenal mass identified, the pancreas normal, but there was faecal loading in my colon,. i think i get the jist of this all i may have to get these lymph nodes cut out, is ther anyone here to help me with the understanding of this a little better,would be much appreciated thanks from barest beth hope to hear reall soon please. |