MSN Strikes Again
I found I had anhour to spare - So thought I’d make some tags to share
I made a few and filled with pride - I thought they were too good to hide
So I decided that I might - Share them with some friends on site
I logged right on and signed right in - Then the fun it did begin
I tried to post but to my dismay - That small red X was on display
I clicked refresh and got chucked out - What is this nonsense all about
I tried once more to get it right - (I was starting to feel uptight!)
A big white page was next in line - I was running out of time
There was other stuff that must be done - And this was no longer any fun
I logged right out then on again - MSN was being a pain.
"Hmm we cannot find this page.." - Those words fill me with so much rage!!
So my friends it’s plain to see - You cannot share my tags with me
‘Cos MSN has struck again. - And spoiled the fun �?Oh, what a shame
Another Dotty Ditty by Wendy G.