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Tears From God : Tears from a Lonely God - A Perfect Fit
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From: MSN NicknameLittlePrincess9926  (Original Message)Sent: 4/15/2008 1:23 AM

Tears from a Lonely God

The Twenty-Eighth Teardrop: A Perfect Fit

�?I>As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?�?-Psalm 42:1-2

I have made you as a cup, a container to hold My presence. You were fashioned for My Spirit, and you are My resting-place. I have made you as a hollow, and I am that only which can fill. But not only hollow, but longing. Not only barrenness, but thirst. Not only emptiness, but hunger.

Beloved, can’t you see this? Why have you gone aside after others? Can’t you see you are so hungry and so thirsty? You know your thirst, but you know not what will quench. You are filled with hunger, but you know not what will fulfill.

�?I>For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.�?-Jeremiah 2:13

Little one, come to Me, and let Me make you wholly satisfied. Why have you forsaken My fountain? I alone can satisfy. Was it not I that created you? Why would I design you any other way? You were made for Me, and I long for you. I long for you to be filled by Me.

�?I>I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.�?-Isaiah 42:8

Beloved, why have you run off to another besides Me? Why do you walk according to the flesh, and trust only the sight of your eyes? Rather, walk in the Spirit, and look according to faith. Dear one, do you not know that you are choosing out for yourself broken cisterns? The flesh is a leaky cup. If it came to pass that you had all that you ever desired and longed for in the flesh, yet without My Spirit, without Me, it would not satisfy. I alone am the real joy giver. “[T]he fruit of the Spirit is... joy�?(Galatians 5:22).

Is not all of this earthly pilgrimage as vanity without your Creator? You have brought nothing into this world, and it is certain that you can bring nothing out. For all good gifts that I give unto you are to be received with thanksgiving, yet underneath it all, know assuredly that it is Me. I would have you to look unto Me.

Beloved, I am using the things of this world to teach you of Myself. It all comes back to Me in the end - have I not created all things for My pleasure? Though I may teach you of My wonderful love through others, know that it is only a shadow of My own love. They only show the shape, but it is not the very image of My glory. It is a mere outline, a silhouette.

I would have you to not only learn of Me, but to know Me. Beloved, how I am full of heaviness when I say: be not content with shadows. Why have your inward desires been cooled? Is it not because your heart is carnal, that you would be content with this world’s passing delights? Is it not because your heart is darkened, that you would be content with shadows? Truly, they are reflections of good things, very good things, divine things - yet they are but reflections. They are not the very image of My glory. When will you turn to behold Me? When will you stir up to seek Me?

Beloved, I am preparing your eyes for glory. I am teaching you with parables and signs, yet I wish for you to behold My sun. Was not the veil of the temple rent at My crucifixion? Did not Moses shine so brilliantly after he talked with Me face to face? Was not his countenance so lightened by My presence that the children of Israel could not directly look upon his face? Beloved, I want to prepare your eyes for My sun.

�?I>But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.�?-2 Corinthians 3:18

My little one, look at how I have shaped you: can you not see it? Poor child, how sin has darkened and blinded you, that you cannot so much as see the shape of your own heart! You cannot see the fashion of your soul. Beloved, I will have mercy, and I will tell you: you need Me. Trust Me when I say this: I have made all things, you do not need another thing. You need your Creator. You need Me.

Again, I liken you to a glove, and I am the ever-blessed hand that shall dwell in you. I have looked to My hand, and after My pattern, and after My shape I have created you. You are made after My image, and in My likeness. I made you as a perfect fit - won’t you let Me come in and move you with intimate movings of love?

Let Me live in you, and do not obstruct My love. I long to manifest and shine My loving-kindness in your heart. I will move you, and animate this glove of your soul. Let Me into your beautiful and special places, and I will stretch forth My hand, and exercise in this glove every finger, and move every part, and corner of your soul. Let Me move you, for all of these places that are within you are made for My own self: this is how I have designed you. Be not afraid, for we are a perfect fit.

© 2004, 2006 Eric Meier

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Recommend  Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLittlePrincess9926Sent: 4/15/2008 1:59 AM
Let Me into your beautiful and special places, and I will stretch forth My hand, and exercise in this glove every finger, and move every part, and corner of your soul. Let Me move you, for all of these places that are within you are made for My own self: this is how I have designed you. Be not afraid, for we are a perfect fit.