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From: MSN NicknameLittlePrincess9926  (Original Message)Sent: 4/28/2008 6:42 PM
Observing Change
copyright David Brandon 4/24/08
Psalm 14: 1 "The fool hath said in his heart there is no God. They are corrupt, that have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good."
Dear friends,
A change has come over our nation which portends terrible evil for us in days to come. We are running headlong into a pit. Unbelievers scoff, holding that our behavior is the result of human nature. They honestly can not see the moral abyss they have helped create and think we are in no danger at all. To them we are the way we are because we have evolved this way, and they are optimistic about our future. They are blind. But apathy on the part of believers who ought to know better poses an even bigger threat to us. Our society has all but turned it's back on God. We have played the fool and now, it appears, we are going to pay the piper.
Everywhere you go these days there are signs of evil. In fact, it is not even necessary to leave home. Last Saturday during a televised baseball game there occurred the following: A player for the New York Mets, Jose Reyes, tried to steal second base. (Stealing a base in baseball is not just means a person tries to advance from one base to the next when the pitcher throws a pitch.) When he arrived at second he slid head first into the knee of an opposing player. The resulting impact left Reyes dazed and writhing on the ground in agony. This sight caused many of the Philadelphia Phillies fans to cheer wildly. When it became evident that Reyes was all right and he tried to resume playing they booed just as vigorously.
Skeptics and believers alike may shake their heads at this sadistic fan reaction. But it is not merely an unfortunate side of human nature as unbelievers profess. It is part of the new America and something which would never have happened here a few years ago. This is what we can expect from people who are taught there is no God and do not know the difference between good and evil. It is what we can expect from people who think there is no eternal consequence for their behavior. The Bible says "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge." (Proverbs 1:7) But we have cast aside this knowledge and are now becoming a nation given over to sin and folly, a country of fools.
The next day as I drove on a highway I passed a huge sign advertising a video game which involves the theft of automobiles. There was a picture of a dashing but sinister looking young man holding a cell phone to his ear, as though conspiring with a partner to carry out a heist. Our children are seeing common criminals and thieves glorified. This is what happens in a godless society.
Defenders of the First Amendment are quick to point out that people have the right to free speech here. They put great stock in the gifts of freedom our Constitution extends us, as they defend fiends and pedophiles. At the same time they completely ignore our responsibility to keep ourselves pure from moral corruption. They claim it is not in their province to judge others (thus hijacking part of the Lord's teaching and twisting it to suit their purposes)  but merely to defend their rights. Truth be told, no one has to go out and buy this video game. It appears to be what people want. If not, great sums of money would not be invested to get it to sell. Giving up on God and flirting with the Enemy go hand in hand.
 A few moments after seeing the first billboard I passed another advertising a local radio station. It contained a blatantly pornographic picture designed to jerk the attention of drivers from the road. Children who have not yet been jaded will certainly conclude from seeing it that immodesty is normal. They will hardly be able to understand that the thoughts and feelings inspired by such ads are adulterous and sinful and can not easily be shut off . This, too, is what happens in a godless society.
We have allowed ourselves to be suckered into going along with people who hold that if we desire something it is natural, good, and normal. We are being overtaken by those who think we ought to have anything we want as long as we do not commit a crime to come into its possession. We are being led to perdition by  people who are willing to bend the bounds of legality to redefine what is good if what they desire is illegal.
Many people now find the absolutes God gave us in the Bible to be repugnant. Sadly, Liberal Christians fall into this category.  They have come to believe scripture is too narrow and repressive. Their preachers point out that Jesus dined with sinners in order to bolster their ungodly doctrines of inclusion. "Who are we to judge," they thunder in the same manner as Atheists, but from their pulpits. Meanwhile, they buckle under and secretly nod in agreement with skeptics who vilify Moses and Paul. They will pay a very great price one day.
Friends, we should praise God every day for His Son and remain optimistic about our eternal destinies. But at the same time we need a reality check about the direction in which our nation is headed. A country without God can not and will not stand.
Love, your brother in Christ,

When you reach the end of your rope
you will find the hem of His garment.

I have often felt that many things that bring us to our knees,
teach us while we are down there to learn to pray.

These possibilities are open to everyone. 
Don't tell God you are not good enough, do what He asks.
Don't tell God to send someone else, He asked you.
Don't tell God you don't have time to pray, He said seek me first.
Don't neglect the things of God.  He said we are to
pick up His cross daily and follow Him. 
Don't tell God anything is bigger than His ability.
God is the Great I Am, I am whatever you need.

There is no pit so deep, God's love is not deeper still.

Not my will but thine oh Lord.


Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God

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Recommend  Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLittlePrincess9926Sent: 4/28/2008 6:42 PM
 Giving up on God and flirting with the Enemy go hand in hand.