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DREAMS : Jen's dreams of her dead grandmother
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 Message 1 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCaringLeomoon  (Original Message)Sent: 7/28/2008 8:49 PM
My mother has been appearing to Jennifer lately, and Jen says she's seen her many times before this year in her dreams, often coming.
It seems that lately however, the appearance in Jen's dreams is taking on more of a contact with a message for her .
I'll post these two dreams and my interpretation of them for posterity (meaning for the future) well as learning puns, symbols, etc. as usual for any who care to read them.

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 Message 2 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCaringLeomoonSent: 7/28/2008 11:54 PM
Dream #1
In a house or building of some kind- there were several rooms. One room contained you and from what I heard (rumor was buzzing), Grandma Hoover. Yes, she was back. Where had she been? Who knows- we were just glad she was back. I opened the door and walked into the room and she was, as I said the other day, all smiles, big, silky blouse, earrings, all dressed up. We hugged and I was soooo happy to see her. Next I went to Grandpa Hawkins' room. It was almost like they were dressing rooms, containing "stars" that we were anticipating. I knocked and knocked and no answer. I left and went back again, same thing. I finally opened the door and there was no Grandpa in there. The room had furniture and stuff, but no Grandpa. He was supposed to be there, but he wasn't. I went into the room now where you, Dad, Jess and Grandma Hoover were. You were limping bad on your bad knee, and I told you that Grandpa was not in the room. For some reason I was whispering about it, and I said I was worried that he wasn't there. I don't recall your response. When I walked away from you, Dad walked up to me. He was very young, had very dark hair like he used to, and was fit and thin- he looked great- anyway, he walked up to me and told me not to worry that Grandpa wasn't there and that overall, I should stop worrying so much. Well, I got a little annoyed that he had heard what I said to you- I had whispered to you on the other side of the room. How did he hear me?? I remember very clearly what I said to him, "Dad- how did you hear that? What- do you have SONAR hearing or something???", and he just kept telling me not to worry.
And that is what I remember from the other night. Actually, I remembered the "sonar" thing when I was watching TV yesterday and someone said that word on a show. Then I was able to piece more together.

 Message 3 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCaringLeomoonSent: 7/28/2008 11:55 PM
Dream #2
last night I had another one. This time she was arriving to our old house via bus. You were in the kitchen and said, "she's here!" and I saw the bus in teh driveway out the dining room window. I went out to meet her in the garage- it was raining hard and I hurried b/c I didn't want her to get all wet. Jessie was in the garage as I was passing throught to meet Grandma. She was just standing there. I ran past her and met Grandma with a hug but it was not at all the way she was in the dream the other night. Last night in the garage, she was dressed not very nice and looked unhappy. I recall thinking this in the dream too. I was surprised b/c she is always happy and upbeat. The other night in the dream she was all smiles and fancy clothing.
That is all I remember from last night's dream-

 Message 4 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCaringLeomoonSent: 7/28/2008 11:58 PM
Dream #1)
Grandpa not in the room where we thought he would be. Could possibly mean he simply wasn't available, (not to be found in the same collective conciousness) perhaps his consciousness on the astral realms (near the earth), is now either making him unavailable for contact, but this doesn't mean you won't see him as well as time goes on. I think his concerns are moreso for his wife, Grandma "H" and no doubt, those who he was closest to before  he passed over (Marty/Paul,Bonnie) although I truly don't know .
It's possible too that he's not as involved in the concern for Jessica or the family as would be Grandma now. She was a soul of a particular "largesse" not self-concerns but one who was concerned for the better good of all.
The fact that it was YOU who was "knocking and knocking on  the various doors", reminds me of Jesus who said, "Knock and the door will be opened" (as a promise to all) understand that death is not the end.
You were wanting contact with them because of the sadness here on earth. So you knocked (in the subconscious ), for contact and help to those who once were there for us.You were really looking for aid and help for what seems what a hopeless situation.
Dad's appearance as a younger man, was not only  because it was in the original home that you recall where you all grew up, but because truly, the oldness we are now, is only a illusion, as is all of life.
Sure, I have a limp, but it doesn't matter in the end, because all of us are spirit and will again be "whole" as grandma shows you.
Dad gives comfort to you in the dream as he would have in "real" life, and always will be there for you, in the way that you will recall him, in his finest hour.
This is the nature of the subconscious which is connected moreso to the spiritual Realm where we all will reside eventually when we lay these mortal coils down,Baring teeth smiley emoticon 
The body itself is simply a container and sometimes it even leaksConfused smiley emoticon So don't look at the physical body as the
great "be all that ends all" it's a temporary container and it's the soul that matters as grandma and the others try to show you.
The reason why the "Sonar" thing from TV came into your dreams does not discount at all the import and why you recall so well the dream, (because it truly was Grandma, as Edgar Cayce would have told you), ..........but we need in the dream state to "cloak" with things we are familiar with in the waking state in order to stage present the entire thing to recall.

 Message 5 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCaringLeomoonSent: 7/28/2008 11:59 PM
This one is significant because it is PURPOSEFULLY contrasting for you from the other, making known to your subconscious mind to recall consciously that there is Contrast here so very different, and the subconscious minds uses "props" "Puns" and even movie sequences, of things you'll remember in order to draw upon to impinge onto the conscious mind so you'll recall.
2nd Dream:  The house represents the collective consciousness we all shared as a family. The bus means she needed to come back into the "realm" as she is away from that realm (the conscious one where we all still are) so it's like taking a vehicle to do visit.
The "raining hard" means our emotions as a family are frayed and very sad ones like a huge rainstorm . This is what prompts her nocturnal visits to you.
It's love that brings her, love of family she once knew and caring that it's so frayed emotionally she senses and knows about.
The reason why she dressed this way, was to "impinge upon your mind in the sleep state, so you would recall this contrast upon awakening", that she too is frayed (clothing she wore), and not upbeat now as other words, she suffers (as the clothes showed), that she cloaks herself in to show you she too suffers in an empathetic manner.
The reason WHY Jessica was in the garage and not in the house is because she is "apart" from the family collective consciousness
but yet in a way, still attached (like an attached garage would be), not where we live, but attached this way.,separate & apart from us.
Grandma  wore nice clothing in the 1st dream because she wanted to express that she is happy to see you, and was 'upbeat" in that expression, but no doubt there will now be other dreams for you to decipher coming up.  She is starting her vigil because of the love she has for all of us, and is always cognizant of it.  Love never dies.

 Message 6 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCaringLeomoonSent: 8/31/2008 10:27 PM
This dream was the precusor to Jessica's passing on August 24th, 2008.

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