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PHILOSOPHY : the soul mate ,the soul family
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 Message 1 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameFlashgordGem  (Original Message)Sent: 11/28/2007 7:31 PM
i read something a while ago which talked of the soul group as an extention of the soul mate theory.
this is something i have thought for a few years now is true ,that we belong to a soul family .although in writings that talk of this concept it states that we make an agreement with these souls before we incarnate. we all have free will on earth though and what if for instance we decide for personal reasons we dont have kids,or something really random happens like a car accident that leaves us totally paralyzed?
what happens to all the souls we made agreements with? do you think they incarnate in different forms?

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Sent: 11/28/2007 9:12 PM
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 Message 3 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCaringLeomoonSent: 11/28/2007 9:18 PM
Since time itself, is an illusion, and truly is not real........all you experience, or the soul groups experience is "awareness".......pointing you in  a given direction....
That's all life is - awareness in a given direction.
It's for a purpose, and thats why we don't recall......where there is no time, because we'd yearn to be back there is no pain, no disappointment, no emotions(in the way we know them to be), but rather there is only understanding....and caring with understanding of how it all interconnects.
Prior to life I do think we make agreements, for a given "experience" in which we'll all participate , but it's also with the general understanding that random/chance occurrences can & do happen.
I don't think it really matters however, because a path chosen is one in which certain lessons want to be learned, and the way in which they are learned (those are the chance occurrences,).....not pre-ordained ones.
Yes, I do think they incarnate in differnent manners & form ......all the time.
Ralph & I were just talking about this last night actually (me talking and him generally nodding or telling me where my thinking might be wrong...... but pretty much he said what you are suggesting, that is that soul's have many many aspects (egos being born)........and when they pass over, they rejoin their "primary" soul...
For instance he truly believes and insists that we (he & I) were meant to find each other in this life, because he doesn't think we'll be coming back (more or less have fulfilled what we can take from this earthly experience), in that all our aspects have already done we'll rejoin or regroup.,,,and perhaps then, move on....beyond this solar system
I mentioned that so few seem to have this inner connection, like Becky (my oldest daughter, who loves Tom very much, (her husband) and their 2 kids,) ......but she doesn't feel she's "half"......
rather they (all may be part of a soul group).......and probably is.
So not everyone learns the same way (by splitting).....or if they do split, they regroup.....after this life taking what they've learned with them.
Everyone is moving as Cayce says, towards "ONE"....a oneness and the closer the oneness occurs towards this end the better for all.
Today, we see so many are only living for themselves.....(like they are an island) such as the greedy ones here in our government..,or in any segment of life.
This is wrong....because it's true no man is an island.
It's just important we do the best we can while here, and then we know we've "added" to the general soul group....

 Message 4 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCaringLeomoonSent: 11/29/2007 12:58 AM
Here is some of Ralph's automatic writing from back in the 80s,
Perhaps it might help answer or at least have us think about these things:

How do we create our reality?<o:p></o:p>


Suffice it to say as you understand it to be is sufficiently so, as belief systems. as many accept so it will be. Time is the nature of thought which gives a greater reality. Yet, belief and time work together as a team. So as you believe over periods of time the strength is realized. Just as if many believe all at once, the effect is the same. Use your best nature to stay with your belief and it will be real. I cannot choose for you. You can choose as well. Believe and it will be real.<o:p></o:p>


As this is a reality you can choose that which is, has been and will be. As they are in fact as one. One must be and can be in all times for the sake of this. To assume there is a special time is to seek to learn something which is not real. There is no difference. You can see something special in tomorrow because you feel you have not the

the right to see ahead. Yet you do indeed at all times see ahead. Does the brain seek knowledge of how to survive in tomorrow or is it the same as today as was yesterday. There is only the realization of this truly to see what time is.<o:p></o:p>


Reality remains what it is until it is changed. There are many factors which alter reality. For each one, there is a reality. To each one reality is something else entirely. To explain to you is a difficult thing. Suffice it to say that until the moment there is no moment. You can seek to bend the reality of time as it is intended to be. I say it is you who can make that which is real. You say to me, tell me what reality is.<o:p></o:p>


 There is no way I can tell you what your reality is, was, or will be. You make what you are. This is not double talk, this is what the universe is. It is changing every instant. From time to time there is a constant which holds true But on the level you speak of there are no constants. They are really to  be what you want them to be. Believe and create what you want, only be sure of what you create and need to have.<o:p></o:p>

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Sent: 11/29/2007 12:59 AM
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 Message 6 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCaringLeomoonSent: 11/29/2007 1:02 AM

Writings from 1986-87 (excerpted)


Re: My ill health lately:


The level of involvement with the total welfare of that being is sometimes shadowed with illness. See to the over involvement of the mental and emotional self. The physical will suffer for in effect, it is neglected for the other and sometimes so‑called higher realities. It is always to caution you to come again home. For you are yet a part of the physical reality as well. To nurture the other aspects and to neglect the physical is a method of ending all.


The need arises in all from time to explore beyond what we think we are. When this need has been suppressed for a time it will be bad for the physical. A certain part of your reality and the whole self is needed to sustain you here as you are in the physical. There must be moderation on all levels. You can seem to go beyond your own capabilities as others have done, but they too have failed to moderate. There has to be something left for the physical.


The over extension is not of the physical but of the mental and the emotional self.(for you),  There is the trio of reality in your body. When one or two are over emphasized the other will suffer from lack. Realize this and deal at all times with concern for the other aspects of yourself.<

There is no age, no identity to anything you have come to know.

Page 5

There are only different aspects of the universe. I am but one. For you, I am part of you. For all, I am part and one me. As you are me. There is no reality unless you admit to it. I cannot fully explain the need that there is in you. There is the oneness of you and also the oneness of both of you.

A part of all is the higher part of self. Separate, yet apart. It can be seen from one's self only. Yet observed by others, at various times. The level of involvement with this portion of the self is solely a matter of discretion.

 This being what of the other aspects can safely be sacrificed. There is always a part of you that contains the whole. Any whole is the part. These are difficult concepts to embrace. Yet they are reality of total existence. When you say who are you, you are asking yourself what is the universe? The universe is you and you are it.

 For us  all here is the ability to tap as it were, all that there is, you have seen are of the physical and must therefore be somewhat confined to that level. But there are other aspects to you which are not physical and therefore know not the boundaries of this life form you exist in. They go where you on your level cannot. Largely, they are ignored by you and others.

I say they, there really is no “they.�?There are only parts of your whole self which are so far apart from your everyday life in this plane that it would appear to you to be another.

 Message 7 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCaringLeomoonSent: 11/29/2007 1:04 AM



TOPIC: FREEDOM<o:p></o:p>


You need only to set the goal and then to achieve it. The end for you will be impatient, for it is a time to come. Not so far as so long you have waited. Take heed, for the trials are not over yet. Be sincere in your endeavors.<o:p></o:p>




There are yet the days as have been before, ahead of you. You will be down before you are up. Stay ahead of your dreams. They are real and can be, yet you need the faith to stay.<o:p></o:p>



There is no old. Enjoy what there is for you now. Not what you want to hear. That will come to you. Be free now as you can and have worked to be. The end is in sight for you. Your sights are set now beyond your ability, you need only to live your true reality. The world is as you say, A Dream�? You need only to dream enough and you can be your dreams.<o:p></o:p>



Planets are of no consequence, the change is your reality. As you learn of the world around you, as you become more aware of the real and false alliances you can withdraw from it. Be secure that your beliefs are not false.<o:p></o:p>


 Surely the moon and the stars react, but more for your motion than theirs. You affect you. The ancients named planets to aspects of personality and frequently claimed to have seen realization of their attributes in later incarnates. There is greater knowledge in knowing oneself. They studied the tendencies that are (pertinent) in certain ages of development. To describe to you the realities of astrological development are of no consequence to your time now. You are as you should be. This for you is in your past. Believe in now and see beyond, there are simple limitations for the ones who follow you in the world as it is  known. The ones who are where you were.<o:p></o:p>



 Yes�?you have progressed. You need only to realize this and begin.

 Message 8 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCaringLeomoonSent: 11/29/2007 1:06 AM

8/20/87 Question: Why was I so terribly sick last night?<o:p></o:p>


Answer: Disease is a reflection of the nature of the condition of the soul. For you to feel bad as in a physical sense reflects an innermost desire to excel and succeed past a point where you are now. Time and the need will succeed you. There is only the desire which fulfills your need to go on. You will succeed. The area and time are your arena for success.<o:p></o:p>


Question: Please explain the last sentence.


Answer: You assume a posture of looking for exacting specifications and definitions for all things. Where there is no exact time or definition for anything. The reality you assume to be real at any point in your time is only an exact point of assumption you have chosen. Be free as you can, be any and all things you will yourself to be. There is no destiny other than what you predict. Question: Are my expectations too high? Answer: I never said or will say to expect. Yet you can create. The will is there. If you're not ready to create what you truly want now, you never will be. Am I clear?<o:p></o:p>


Question: Will moving to Arizona be a change for the better?
Answer: The will to create is fostered by need and desire. You will create what you need. The more you need, the more you suffer, then the greater the desire will be. In time of doubt the will can be bolstered by a physical malfunction, as you have suffered. The "need" is the key to create. You truly have the need, therefore, you can at this time in this area, create what you

 Message 9 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCaringLeomoonSent: 11/29/2007 1:10 AM

Page 2<o:p></o:p>


want and necessarily need for you own well‑being. There will be a point in time when you will turn this life into what was before as you do now as with other parts of your life.


Question: If I move to Arizona will I feel better?


Answer: Moving is a relative term. The reason is far beyond the physical, yet the outcome is the same. So, yes, the physical will improve but not necessarily for the reason you state. There are more factors to a person than just the physical aspect. Yet the physical is groomed by the other in your case. The reason here that you suffer is more than just the environment, yet that too is a factor. The time and circumstance will improve. Your physical will in turn improve the mental and emotional selves. Which of course you know you are a part.<o:p></o:p>


Question: Is this the correct time for a move?


Answer: As there is no real time, there is no real location;

this I am sure is going to foster real confusion on your part.


 This is to say that your relationship to a point in time is just as significant as your relationship to a point of location. They are the same thing. You are of a nature to explore, and I need to explain there is a concept here which you must comprehend. There is no time, no place, no universe, so to speak, beyond you. You are all things, all places, all times. It is your choice, your choosing where and when you will achieve what your destiny will be. This is your concept, I cannot change it. These are your terms, I cannot alter them, These are your beliefs. I would not interfere. That is the place you will find the peace that has been and always will be in you. It dwells within you.



Question: Please explain how we can create what we need?


Answer: There is free will, there is desire, and there is circumstance. As we grow, we learn that circumstance is a creation, desire is need, and that we can if we so choose, point ourselves in a direction. A direction is simply that. There is a need in you for change, absolute change. You, in the past, attempted a change and were not able to achieve it. The desire yet remains and grows stronger. The physical malfunction is a creation to bring the change about. A push in the "direction" if you will. It is to force or reinforce your will to change.<o:p></o:p>


There is not always wisdom in the courses we choose or direction we take. There are times when we seek relief from where and when we are. Seldom do we really find a change, yet in you as you create the circumstance, the need, you create the relief. The answer is that it is more difficult to sustain the pain than it is to relieve the suffering. For you.<o:p></o:p>


Your suffering or illness as you see are from within as a level of health, there are aspects beyond physical. All together, you are whole. It is only the total need in you that is creating for you a system which can be relieved.     

 Message 10 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCaringLeomoonSent: 11/29/2007 1:13 AM
Paul: I think #9 may make a degree of sense to you.....Speaking of time and place.
Speaking also of need, desire & creation (by the soul).....
You may want to re-read it over to see the impact of the statements....
I'll start another thread on the General Board - called "UFOs and their Reality"'s also from these same writings in 1987

 Message 11 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCaringLeomoonSent: 11/29/2007 1:13 AM
I'll just put it  here on the Philosphy Board.........because, it is philosphical I suppose..?

 Message 12 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCaringLeomoonSent: 11/29/2007 2:13 AM
from the UFO thread (post 6)
 (having to do with your fundamental question:

Answer: Life is developmental in nature. When we design to begin, the new life is determined to be correct. The reality is that the correlations are so complex and so varied that at times the true end cannot be achieved through inter‑action of souls in the family chosen.

The design is for the soul to achieve a goal or an end. To learn a lesson to progress the relationships, the interrelations are so complex, sometimes they just don't work out to the end result. Then, life is cut short. In order to go on again to further the goals of the higher self, it is necessary to transcend the bonds of this world.

 The bonds are important, yet they too must be kept in perspective of what they actually mean.

They (the bonds) are of use to you as a soul and they are in turn a part of you and the interaction of each relationship is a developmental image of self.

 Message 13 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameFlashgordGemSent: 11/29/2007 2:38 PM
that was quite deep and confusing! i sometimes do have difficulty understanding these things ,oftn have to re-read them several times to get a good understanding.

so really,the ones on time were reinforcing the notion that we create the universe.which is very similar to the thoughts i had before with the fractal universe (to look outside is to look inside).

i think post 9 does apply to me,change places/spaces do not exist outside but only within this reality,our reality ,our universe, in a sense (to try and grasp this in a pictorial way) we are like the king or queen piece on a chessboard? we can move anywhere on that chessboard that chessboard is our reality and our to speak?

i am fasinated,how did ralph have these great revelations? were they through meditaton?

 Message 14 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCaringLeomoonSent: 11/29/2007 4:23 PM
Hi Paul: Posting these for you, were really for me too, as I hadn't looked at them for many a year.....
I was told that they (the writings) were really For ME, and not him, as Ralph has zero interest, and about the same (zero) tolerance for anything psychic or metaphysical.....He hates really to have to talk about it, and it's a real trial for me to "drag it out" of him.
If you check his chart under Natal'll see he has a Mercury in the 12th in Scorpio...
I think all of this is very "deep", in his subconscious mind of course, and it took me and my persistence to get it out.....(just my personality, as mentioned in these writings, being a person who needs to know, dig, and have answers)
The writings said that if it were not for me, he would, "Just think" it's not his way to speak of any of this, nor his way to be bothered with the externals or the interest externally. (His hobby and love is photography only & computer digital photography pretty much takes up ALL his spare time)
So unlike the so -called gurus of today, who actively pursue this stuff thru meditation, etc. he would be the total opposite.
Unlike Jane Roberts then (the Seth Material).......who did actively pursue Seth with a waking trance like state (in her consciousness)
with Ralph it was thrusted upon him, (so to speak)
Just came home one night very upset, not knowing WHAT, WHY etc...........and knew he "had " to write.

 Message 15 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCaringLeomoonSent: 11/29/2007 4:25 PM
It does take a re=reading sometimes, for me anyway, over many many years, to get to the truer understanding, because as we grow , evole  &  entertain more things, we grow in our way of understanding too the larger issues.
So, take heart, it takes a lifetime to begin to understand what is basically non-understandable, even for me, even having this at my disposal, I still cannot get my head around "no - time".

 Message 16 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameFlashgordGemSent: 11/29/2007 7:22 PM
yea some of it i have difficulty grasping,you know i think i may have a had similar things happen with me before? its like when i ask myself a question an answer seems to pop up almost straight away,almost like a lightning flash ,its crazy and in a way i cant explain it ,but like sometimes i get an answer in the form of a hint and then my logical mind pieces words and phrases together to best describe what that hint was.
where that hint comes from is tricky to determine? imo its either one of two things people like ralph and myself are either receiving information from another realm and the answer is coming from someone/something else,or its coming from us,from a source deep down within our own minds,and we have the ability to work out the answers to these deepest darkest questions? this makes me think its got to be 50/50 ,one or the other?
you know something popped into my head earlier a kind of funny thought! what if we had no memory whatsoever? then we would be living in survival mode and every action would have risk associated with it because we would fear what might happen if we picked something up or ate a certain fruit.
goldfish have a very short memory, i think its 10 seconds? i might be wrong about that but i know its very for creatures that have no real memory time has no real meaning to them! amoebas dont have a diary and leave notes for themselves on what to do! lol
its like basic life ,life that operates on a survival basis surely would have no concept of time,only insticts tell them to eat and perform basic functions to stay alive. to them they are living every second as a unique experience.wouldnt that be amazing in a strange kind of way if we had the same experience every second!?

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