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PHILOSOPHY : The Aquarian Age Gospel by Levi Dowling
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCaringLeomoon  (Original Message)Sent: 2/2/2008 9:31 PM
How Flowery, How very astute of this fiction writer, to weave such beautiful flowery, type of messages, with the few facts he knew of the Gospels as already given as well as other ancient texts......
He was brilliant, as a writer, Mr. Dowling!
I must find his natal chart.
ecerpt from his ficticious book, sold in the 1800s as a true Gospel of Jesus.....from the "Akashic Record" or Book of Remembrance, which Mr. Dowling, claimed he tapped into kind of like the Conversations with God guy, who made Mint off of gullible people.

Aquarian Age Gospel of Jesus

Chapters 15 - 21


Death and burial of Elizabeth. Matheno's lessons. The ministry of death. The mission of John. Institution of the rite of baptism. Matheno takes John to Egypt, and places him in the temple at Sakara, where he remains eighteen years.

WHEN John was twelve years old his mother died, and neighbours laid her body in a tomb among her kindred in the Hebron burying ground, and near to Zacharias' tomb. 2 And John was deeply grieved; he wept. Matheno said, It is not well to weep because of death. 3 Death is no enemy of man; it is a friend who, when the work of life is done, just cuts the cord that binds the human boat to earth, that it may sail on smoother seas. 4 No language can describe a mother's worth, and yours was tried and true. But she was not called hence until her tasks were done. 5 The calls of death are always for the best, for we are solving problems there as well as here; and one is sure to find himself where he can solve his problems best. 6 It is but selfishness that makes one wish to call again to earth departed souls. 7 Then let your mother rest in peace. Just let her noble life be strength and inspiration unto you. 8 A crisis in your life has come, and you must have a clear conception of the work that you are called to do. 9 The sages of the ages call you harbinger. The prophets look to you and say, He is Elijah come again. 10 Your mission here is that of harbinger; for you will go before Messiah's face to pave his way, and make the people ready to receive their king. 11 This readiness is purity of heart; none but the purity in heart can recognise the king. 12 To teach men to be pure in heart, you must yourself be pure in heart, and word, and deed. 13 In infancy the vow for you was made and you became a Nazarite. The razor shall not touch your face nor head, and you shall taste not wine nor fiery drinks.

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCaringLeomoonSent: 2/2/2008 9:32 PM
Funny thing, how time is as I recall now vividly as  a young girl reading my new book (Levi Dowling's book ) that I felt the SAME way back then, perhaps at age 16-20 as I read this book, that the man was simply elucidating, his OWN theories, in a format that was evident, from the long windedness other words artistically framed in an "artistic license" to elborate and colour for salesmanship. (to sell the book)
But others (probably the masses who likewise purchased this book)
saw it as the "Gospel truth".
Here in this Edgar Cayce reading back in the 1930's it is apparent that these people asking the question of Mr. Cayce, were very familiar with Levi Dowling's assertion and writings that said that Elihu and Salome were the teachers of Jesus mother Mary, as well as Elizabeth, for they ask specifically, if this was true??
One huge discrepancy:
And the Cayce Reading suggests the following instead:
from 2067-7:  Mr. Cayce says:
31. (Q) Was Mary and Elizabeth taught in a sacred grove in Egypt for a time by teachers, Elihu and Salome, that they might better instruct their sons, Jesus and John?
(A) We do not find this to be true. Their education was rather with those headed by the Essenes through which Zachariah was called as the one to and through whom would come those influences as became the forerunner of the Christ. These were rather in the Palestine land. They were in the Holy Land, and at Mount Moriah.

32. (Q) Please describe Jesus' initiations in Egypt, telling if the Gospel reference to "three days and nights in the grave or tomb," possibly in the shape of a cross, indicate a special initiation.

(A) This is a portion of the initiation, - it is a part of the passage through that to which each soul is to attain in its development, as has the world through each period of their incarnation in the earth. As is supposed, the record of the earth through the passage through the tomb, or the pyramid, is that through which each entity, each soul, as an initiate must pass for the attaining to the releasing of same, - as indicated by the empty tomb, which has NEVER been filled, see? Only Jesus was able to break same, as it became that which indicated His fulfillment.

And there, as the initiate, He went out, - for the passing through the initiation, by fulfilling - as indicated in the baptism in the Jordan; not standing in it and being poured or sprinkled either! as He passed from that activity into the wilderness to meet that which had been His undoing in the beginning.

33. We are through for the present.

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCaringLeomoonSent: 2/2/2008 9:59 PM
The Natal Chart of Levi Dowling reveals he had 3 or 4 planets in Gemini, the writer....and creator extraordinaire'.
He has Mars in Gemini rising, conj. Ascendent in Gemini,
then Mercury in Gemini 12th, then Moon in Gemini
however, Sun next in the 12th is conjunct "Algol"
A perfectly situated Jupiter in Pisces (House 11) was the broad appeal for the Masses as the Masses is ruled by the 11th, that his Aquarian Age Gospel, was widely accepted and remains a staple today for many.
MC conj. Neptune both in Aquarius, as well as Pluto in Aquarius, with Saturn in the 9th.