This happened to me as a child there are some things that are not to clear but it was reviled to me by my angels that this was not a dream ..i was about 7 or 8 years old..i was out side playing with one of my friends her father was a truch driver and come home from one of his trips in his truck my friend was very excited to see her fathers return and i was excited for her so the both of us went running to welcome home her father home as he open the door to the semi truck the edge of his door hit me between the eyes and back as a child i would get noise bleeds.well needless to say when the door hit me it started my noise to bleed all i remember is being in the hospital the doctors talking and saying they needed to stop the bleeding now because i have lost to much blood.this was back in the 60s so what they did was put a hot iron up my noise to seal the blood vesel..i dont remember them doing this but then i had a dream in this dream i was up on the roof to our home and there was a pair of hands there and it was like i knew what to do so i layed down in the hands and then i felt the hands take me high up in the clouds at this time i knew i was in gods hands i heard a voice start to speek to me it was a mans voice and i knew it was god talking to me he told me that it was not my time to come be with him that he had many plans for me and i had much to do fo him in his name and as he was talking i could feel the essence and uphoria of heaven and his love.. there was no dought in my mind that it was god... then the next thing i remember is him bringing me back and placing me back in bed ...but then i woke up in the living room on the couch with my Mother and Father crying they both heald me very close and thanked god that i was with them.... i did not remember this for many years but i kept having this same dream as i reached in my 20s and it was the same over and over untill an angels came to me at the end of this dream in my late 20s telling me this was not a dream that when this happened i died and god sent me back.. and from that time on i knew it was not just a dream but that it truly happened
I love the way she expresses her journey..and i just wish i could remember everything the way she did... but there is nothing compaired to the uphoric feeling of love while there.. love BedazZz