Angels & Angelic Guidance
Angels are making their presence felt everywhere. Once I started opening myself up to the draw of the angelic realms little reminders began catching my eye every day.
What is an Angel?
There are lots of angel definitions that people have used to describe these celestial beings or even referring to earth angels lets have a look at a few descriptions I have come across:
An Angel is :
~ a force of light, many different types, all working for a higher power
~ a celestial being that acts as an intermediary between heaven and earth
~ a messenger of deities, which link God and man
~ a kind and lovable person; one who manifests goodness, purity, and selflessness
~ a divine or semi-divine being who is able to work with humanity for a number of purposes
~ a personification of the concept of holiness
~ the light of truth, wisdom, guidance, a coming birth or death, literally or figuratively
~ an androgynous being of a light, fast vibration on a high spiritual hierarchy
~ a spiritual helper for humankind
~ winged messengers, luminous and closest to God, All that Is
~ a high spiritual being appointed by God, Ultimate Source, All that Is
to guide , protect and help us, Gods Creation
Angels in Religions:
Throughout history religions and spiritualities have embraced angelic beings amongst their midst. the genus "Angelus Occidentalis" is a general term used for a number of angelic species within Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Zoroastrianism. It is believed that Gods word is communicated through these celestial messengers who serve his will
The Swedish Mystic Swedenbourg once said:
"I am well aware that many will say that no-one can possibly speak with spirits and angels as so long as he is living in the body;
Many say it is all fancy, others that I recount such things to win credence, while others will make other kinds of objections. But I am deterred by none of these:
for I have seen, I have heard, I have felt"
My Angels Definition:
Personally I feel angels are indeed messengers of a higher realm, spiritual beings that connect with humans on earth when the human is ready to connect Angels can take forms that are easily recognised and identified by the one who is receiving an angelic vision, forms that are not frightening, forms that are unique for each individual experiencing them.
I see it like this: an angel is energy, of a fast vibration, that is essentially invisible to the human eye. Angels are however capable of slowing down this vibration to appear to either the naked human eye (rare) or the third "inner eye".
Angels and the Brain
Imagine "seeing" an energy that clearly moves, is swishing to and fro, if we see this vision, then our left brain immediately tries to analyse and categorise this "vision" based on what it previously knows about such forms. So left brain categorises: Movement = Flying = Wing Imagine "seeing" brightness, light, luminescence, eternal glow So the left brain categorises: Light = Luminescence around object/energy =Halo
The human brain has a need to compartmentalize, especially the left side of it. If the brain gathers its given images, analyses them, it is then left with wings and a halo around an energy body.
This can now be easily associated and then labelled �?Angel �? stored for future references in the vast holdall of the brain. When we come across a similar form, we can instantly recognise it, give it a label, give it a name - call it Angel.
Angels are Present
To me angelic beings come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, presenting themselves in the form that I need to see, hear or feel at that particular moment in time.
I don’t have all the answers about angels definitions, just an incessant curiosity to find out more about angelic beings, welcoming the ones that come and visit me and share what I know which people who are equally curious.