When the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. They will be known as the Warriors of the Rainbow -- Old Native American Prophecy
The Rainbow Warriors are those who teach about having reverence for the Earth. A Rainbow Warrior can also have a lot of the same characteristics as a Lightworker, Indigo, Star Seed or Crystal child. The Rainbow Warriors are a part of an ancient Hopi Prophecy about the coming of a New Age. It is said that the Rainbow Warriors will be the ones who replenish the earth, when the earth is about to die, and help to connect all people’s of the world. The Rainbow Warriors work along side many Lightworkers, Indigo’s, Star Children, Dolphin Children, Crystal Children, and Incarnated Elementals, and they tend to share some of the same characteristics as them.
Right now their are very few Rainbow Warriors upon the earth. The Rainbow Warriors that are here are known as the “Scouts�? meaning that they are here to “check things out�?before more of the Rainbow Warriors start to emerge. The Rainbow Warriors have never been to this earth before, but they do “borrow�?past life memories from others who have agreed to allow them to incarnate upon this earth with their Past Life Memories- and many of them will borrow these memories from Pagan Elders who have recently died. The Hopi Indians are working in spirit right now with the Rainbow Warriors, and they have asked for their assistance upon this earth. Also many Rainbow Warriors might be born into Native American (or American Indian) tribes or other indigenous cultures, in order to help bring back some of the old ways. This is also true for some of the Rainbow Warriors who will study The Traditional Fairy Faith, and who will assist us in learning more about magick and healing from the Fairies & Elementals.
The Rainbow Warriors will also bring us healing energies from the Rainbow (they will be working closely with the Rainbow Fairies). They will teach us more about our own Inner Rainbows, known as our Chakras, and how our Inner Rainbow connects us to the Divine. They will also teach us to not only treat the earth better, but how to treat our bodies better by working with the Earth. They will teach us, as we already know, about the Importance of Fresh Air, Sunlight, Clean Water, and Pure Organic Food. They will also teach us more about Organic Gardening. They will teach us how we can work as a community - as a whole planet - to feed one another so that no one ever has to go hungry again. Many of the Rainbow Warriors will become Herbalists, Energy Healers, and Organic Farmers. They will become some of our Medicine Men and Women.
*Also, because the Rainbow Warriors have never been here before, they have no Karma to “balance-out.�?They are pure beings and they will choose to live in completely peaceful homes and communities. The Rainbow Warriors will be born mostly from their Crystal Parents (the crystal children), around the years 2010 - 2030.