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Angels : The Celestial Hierarchy (according to *Pseudo-Dionysus)
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameawakeningheart777  (Original Message)Sent: 7/28/2008 5:50 AM

The Celestial Hierarchy    (according to *Pseudo-Dionysus)


First Triad    Second Tria                    Third Triad


1. Seraphim  4. Dominion                   7. Principalities

2. Cherubi    5. Virtues                        8. Archangels

3. Thrones    6. Powers                        9. Angels

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First Triad: - “God’s faithful angels�? according to <st1:City><st1:place>St. Thomas</st1:place></st1:City>, these angels never come down to Earth<o:p></o:p>

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1. Seraphim - closest to God, main task: to encircle the throne of God while saying the Kadosh, a famous Hebrew prayer still used today, (“Holy, holy, holy�?, according to  ** Enoch there are four Seraphim “corresponding to the four winds of the world�? they are beings of perfect light who shine brighter than most humans can bear to see, Pseudo-Dionysus said, “seraphim�?means “those that warm�?and “those that burn�? they are angels of love and angels of light and fire


2. Cherubim - guardians of the stars and the path to the Tree of Life, cherubim means “those who pray�? “those who intercede�?and “fullness of knowledge�?  ***Ezekiel described them as having four faces (man, lion, ox and eagle) and four wings, they are the 1st angels mentioned in the Old Testament


3. Thrones or Wheels - (sometimes known as Ophanim) act as God’s transportation, their job is to transfer positive energy, this energy is focused for revealing injustices and healing people in need, the energy is believed to be sent not directly, but via guardian angels, to people

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameawakeningheart777Sent: 7/28/2008 5:51 AM

Second Triad: The organizing and ministering angels, more concerned with the universe than individuals, but a  assist on Earth when required


4. Dominions - make sure that every angel is truly utilized, carry out orders from the 1st Triad, carry orbs and       scepters as symbols of authority


5. Virtues - provide strength, courage and motivation, provide spiritual energy when needed and allow people to     accomplish more than they had thought themselves capable of


6. Powers - protect heaven and are considered to be warrior angels, they help people decide between right and wrong and ensure that the laws of the universe stay in operation


Third Triad: most involved with life on Earth


7. Principalities - have the task of looking after continents, nations, cities and any other large groups, they          constantly transfer information to and from heaven, they have the task of ensuring that our world leaders          receive good advice and act wisely (the Angel of America belongs to this category)


8. Archangels - God’s most important messengers, Islam recognizes the first four and Christianity recognizes   seven, each archangel has a name and special duties to perform, each name ends in “el�?which means   “shining being�?


There are seven angels in the Book of Revelation who stand before God:

Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Sariel and Remiel


--> Note: It is usually Archangels who appear to Prophets not Principalities


Ex.’s   Michael - stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son, Isaac

                         appeared to Moses in the burning bush

                       rescued Daniel from the lion’s den

                       visited Joan of Arc and aided her in battle


          Gabriel -  told Zacharius that he and Elizabeth would father John the Baptist

                       visited Mary to tell her she would give birth to Jesus

                       told Daniel about the coming of the Messiah

                       went to <st1:place><st1:PlaceType>Mt.</st1:PlaceType> <st1:PlaceName>Hira</st1:PlaceName></st1:place> and told Mohammed he was a Prophet

                       also visited Joan of Arc

          (Gabriel appears in female form more often than male form)


          Uriel  - warned Noah of the flood


9. Angels - assigned to individuals, guardians from birth to - ?, they work with all the other angels in the nine   choirs


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"Angels can disguise themselves and appear in human form when they wish, but they are not the souls of people who have died. They are immortal, ageless, sexless."

                                                                                                                                     - Matt <st1:time Minute="30" Hour="22">22:30</st1:time>  

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