Safe Use of Essential Oils
Essential oils contain potent natural chemicals and should be treated with respect. Never ever ingest an essential oil without consulting a trained and certified aromatherapist as some of the oils are very potent and others are poisonous if taken internally. As with all chemicals, keep them out of reach of small children. Here are a few other things to keep in mind:
1. Store essential oils in a cool, dark place in colored glass bottles. Some of the concentrated oils will dissolve plastic bottles, and all oils will last longer when stored in this manner.
2.Before using an essential oil on your skin (i.e., for massage) dilute it in a neutral carrier oil such as almond oil, or grapeseed oil. For example, you might use five drops of essential oil in a tablespoon of carrier oil, although this can vary widely with different oils and formulas. With hot, spicy oils such as clove, cinnamon, and allspice, use 1-2 drops of essential oil instead. Please consult a good reference book or a trained aromatherapist.
3. Use essential oils sparingly. A little goes a very long way!
4. Do not use essential oils if you are pregnant or on small children unless you first consult a certified aromatherapist or a very reputable reference book (see "Good Books"). Lavender is an exception that can be used on almost anyone!
5. Careful about sun-tanning after use of essential oils. Some make you more sensitive!
6. Do not put essential oils directly on a light bulb or candle flame. They can burn.
7. This page is not intended as a medical reference. It is for your information and enjoyment. Essential oils, like herbs, are natural medicine and should be used with careful consideration and preferably with the advice of a trained professional.
With these few precautions essential oils can be enjoyed by anyone!
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