Sensing the Aura
Some people are lucky enough to be born with the ability to see and sense the aura, however everyone can learn. There are three primary ways of perceiving the aura:
1. Seeing the aura with your eyes open
2. Seeing the aura with your eyes shut
3. Sensing or feeling the aura
1. Seeing the Aura with your eyes open
This method takes more practice than the others. The goal is to achieve a loose and relaxed focus with your physical eyes that allows the more subtle energies of the aura to come in view. There are many books available on the subject, but here is a simple trick given to me by Rev. Judith McClure who runs the Center for Expanding Consciousness
Do this exercise with a friend:
1. Have your friend sit in a chair with their back against a white wall.
2. Have them place a small sticky dot or piece of paper in the middle of their forehead.
3. Sit about four feet away.
4. Place your hands up in front of your face, and hold your fingers as if you were framing a picture with thumbs pointing inward and your index finger pointing up (Like two "L's" pointing inward).
5. Loosely focus on the dot on your friend's forehead. While you are doing this, move your hands apart slowly, further and further apart, keeping a loose focus on the dot, and allowing your peripheral vision to follow your hands. If you keep trying this exercise you will soon see a thin layer of light around your friend's head! If you try several times you may even see color. Keep at it! Sooner or later you will see auras.
2. Seeing the Aura with your eyes closed
Work with a friend. Tell him or her to remember a time when he/she felt a strong emotion, but do not allow them to tell you what they are feeling. Close your eyes. Breath deeply a few times and imagine that there is a line of light connecting the center of your forehead with the same spot on your friend. Just breath and be calm in this space. Ask yourself what colors and patterns are in your friend's aura. You may have an inner image appear or simply a sense or feeling of what the aura must look like. Report what you have seen to your friend and correlate the colors/patterns with the emotion they were feeling.
3. Sensing or Feeling the Aura
The aura patterns can be felt by those sensitive to energy. Try putting your hands about three inches above various areas in the body (heart, throat, third eye in th middle of the forehead, and solar plexus, just above the navel) each day and tune into the subtle sensations you feel. With time, you can learn to sense energy. See if you can correlate the subtle sensations with your moods at the time. Sensations might include warmth, coldness, a tingling sensation like the fizzies in a cola, or stronger buzzing, as in front of a television screen, spiky feelings, sluggishness, etc. On different days you may feel different things as your mood and energy level fluctuate.
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