We Are Here
Message 21
Starself To Shine
As humans awake from their unconscious slumber, that numb place in consciousness where denial is the frequency and the guest--as the cosmic energy continues to increase and floods the consciousness of mankind with the spark of their own knowing and power--more and more angry people will rise out of their numb slumber and begin to protest the dysfunctional conditions that they are living. You can see or sense the unrest, the protests, and the anger that are manifesting around the globe.
Your service work...and the service work of all multidimensional starhumans who are awake and aware ... is to hold a steady pure frequency of love, joy, gratitude, and appreciation. This frequency and this resonance of these pure high vibrations will act as the foundation and the anchoring that allows for the new paradigm, as everything is shifting and moving into the higher dimensions.
You, along with others, have your own personal denseness to uplift and transform, as well as holding the frequency of the high pure vibrations for others to resonate with. Allow yourself to laugh, play, be in your joy, be in your heart, and be in your full appreciation of this wonderful game. Remember you are as big as the stars. This body and this life are only a small reflection of your magnificence. Allow and invite the fullest of your starself to shine into your life.