Inner Child Work can many times be the healing process that assists the past to stay in the past.
Because we build our lives on our past experiences, our current perceptions are very much influenced by the unresolved, repressed, suppressed, depressed experiences of our childhood.
By accessing the experiences of childhood, that have scarred us, we can re-interpret, reframe, and let go of the charged feelings that can taint our perceptions and experiences of today.
We can let go of out historical triggers so that our past does not reappear in the current situations we find ourselves in everyday.
The need to control or hide our feelings and vulnerability will not be a priority. We can gently and safely heal and re-parent the wounded child so that we may feel safe even when we feel under attack or challenged.
History can stop repeating itself. We will stop recreating the same situations over and over again. The wonder and innocence of childhood can be retrieved so that fun can be had without the use of mind or mood altering substances or behaviors, and joy can be a state of being not an aspiration.