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Eve's Snags and TagsContains "mature" content, but not necessarily adult.[email protected] 
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥••♥Eve♥••♥  (Original Message)Sent: 14/10/2008 6:33 PM

Who Has The Wish Bone?

Who will win the wish bone, just remove the smileys and replace your name. The person with the MOST names will win and can ask for a WISH at the end of the game!

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥••♥Eve♥••♥Sent: 14/10/2008 6:54 PM
Haven't had time to welcome you,  had  to have my cat Mickey put to sleep on Sunday, I am heartbroken, I had him for 18yrs, he was still like a young Kitty, didn't look old at all, hair color was the same (no grey hair) he was losing weight so I decided to treat him for worms, cos other than the loss of weight nothing changed with him.
He trotted like a young Kitty, would follow me to the car, come and meet me when I pulled up in the car, everything was the same.
I gave him a course over three weeks, but no real improvement.
He wouldn't have his canned food on Friday, he wanted the chicken I had, he soon went outdoors to eat that, he ate that fine, Come Sunday a neighbor said 'is this your cat'? that she had in a lil' dog bed (it was) he was copletely out of it.
Took him to the vet who said 'his kidneys had packed in, his liver was on the way and his Thyroid was making him think he was hungry when he wasn't (he was ravenous) how could this happen and so quickly right under my nose and I not know it!

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